Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I may actually be ready for Christmas way early this year! We went to an outdoor flea market today and got some stuff for our son.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Whew, what a day!

I started on the roos this morning. I got 5 done before the temps started really rising. It was in the high 40's when we started and it was 71degrees a couple hours later. I should have been more focused, cuz I'd do one, then go do something else. Do another, let it bleed a few mintues and come back and butcher him.... I wasn't really hurrying because I thought it would stay cooler all day, but it didn't. I'll probably do the other ones in the morning, and I'll stay on task until I get them done.

I think my new favorite breed of chicken is the Barred Holland. I did one scrawny Ameracauna. He had a bad wry neck and wasn't as mobile or aggressive at the feed bowl. I did one SG Dorking, another 'failure to thrive' guy. He was better than the Ameracauna, but not much. The two Red Dorkings were impressive! They were probably 10 + lb roo's and had full, long breasts and meaty legs and thighs. Very nice, but a PIA to butcher. They have lots of soft, loose feathers that were just annoying to deal with. I skinned, not plucked, but they were loose feathers and stuck to everything despite my trying to be careful. The Barred Holland - what a dream to process. First of all, we cut his neck and he just peacefully expired. No flopping or trouble at all. His feathers were short and close and stayed out of my way through the entire event. And, even more impressive was the amount of meat on the guy, not as much as the Dorkings, but all things considered a very nice carcass. Like I said - might have to really concentrate on this breed.

We also put a new tarp on the hoop house goat/horse shelter. We add another one every fall whether it needs one or not, lol. (it always needs one!)

DS came out and brought a friend. They changed the oil in the mower, fixed the broken pull-string on the tiller and changed the oil in it too. I had them move some of the 8 ft fence sections out to a pen where I plan on using them for a shelter. They're soooo heavy that it didn't make sense not to take advantage of two big, young, strong men while they were here. Then they went and filled up some gas cans for me so I've got it on hand if we lose power through out the winter. Probably have 30 gallons or so, maybe a bit more.

After that they demolished the ham I had in the oven, lol. That's what it was there for so it was good to see two voracious appetites at the table again. The young man that my son brought with him has been his best friend since Jr. High. He lost his mom a year or so before he met my son. I couldn't tell you how much time he spent here growing up and it was always a pleasure to have him. He was best man at my sons wedding and my son was best man at his. And, he loooves my cooking, lol.

After that, DH installed two new smoke alarms and changed filters in the AC while I tried to clean up the kitchen and knock out a couple loads of laundry. Finished up outside with the evening feeding and milking.

Chillaxin now and contemplating a soak in the hot tub....

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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That sounds good. Or, just relaxing in front of the fire w/a cup of hot chocolate and a good book.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Did a short stint in the hot tub.....ahhhhh! I saw not one, but TWO falling stars! That's one of the reasons I love the hot tub so much, I just lean back and stargaze.

And, thanks to Deb's mention of hot chocolate - I'm enjoying my first ever cup of hot chocolate featuring goat milk. Yummmmy!


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Goat milk hot chocolate, interesting. :drool I had a huge pen of roosters, and Delawares were best by far. I am going to try caponization next year for them.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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About a million years ago when I worked for a country vet we caponized a couple roo's - just to say we'd did it. It was a pretty simple procedure and the capons are interesting creatures. I had one that would 'steal' chicks or at the very least co-mother them with any broody hen he could. We never butchered them though... just let 'em hang out. They grew well enough and never developed the big combs/wattles/spurs like a fully intact roo will.

I've never had Dels, but I do have some Sussex that look like they'd be great dual purpose birds. I need to hatch some more so I can try it.

Deb, I'm so jealous! I've picked up a few gifts for the grandbabies, but that's it. I've been doing a little online window shopping for DH, but that's about as far as I've gotten. I know I'm getting him a new camera. His old Canon (film, not digital) really needs to be retired. DH is an awesome photographer, but you're only as good as your equipment so a new one is in order. My son and daughter usually ask for $$$ but I really don't like doing that. I like to give a more personalized gift - but I do understand that money always comes in handy. I'll probably do like I always do and give them some cash and a few small more personalized gifts to go with it.

If the grandbabies are coming this year I'll put up the big tree, but if they don't show - I won't go to all that trouble. I'll drag my little, pre-decorated tree out from under the stairs and put it on the corner table and put up a few decorations around the rest of the house. I always put up a nice wreath, and decorate the dining room a little. I know we're going to my mom's for Christmas this year. She hasn't held Christmas at her house for many years, but it seems like with the death of my sister our family is pulling out old traditions and coming closer together.

I've been a slug this morning. Stayed in bed longer than I intended to so I didn't get started on the roo's this morning like I had planned. By the time I got out to milk it was already mid-50's and getting warmer every minute. I'm off all next week, and we're supposed to get some cooler weather, so I can knock it out then.

The longer I sit here, the less that's gonna get done today - so I'd better hop to it... Hope ya'll have a great Sunday!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Got a couple things done today. I made a little progress on the new goat/chicken shelter. Gotta admit that I did a lot of standing around 'thinkin' about how I'm gonna do this. It's a little backwards from most building projects cuz I'm putting it in a corner that has fence there already. So, I'm using the fence posts and a corner posts which means my support is gonna be on the outside of the building instead of like most pole buildings that have the posts on the inside. Not sure if anyone can get a visual from that description. So far, I have a post in the ground and some supports up. Have the fence sections cut to size and trimmed one section down for the back wall. I'll figure out some more tomorrow. I'm not sure how this will turn out - but I'm off next week and I'm determined to get it done - one way or another!

After butchering yesterday I tossed the chicken carcasses into the pig pen... wow... nothing left today but some feathers. And, after their nice high protein meal, they seemed so content. Interesting, very interesting....

Took a break in the middle of the day and watched the Texans game - dang - no wonder I didn't get more done today, the game was 4 hours long. Went into overtime and finally the Texans prevailed! :weee Woo hoo! I am officially in love with JJ Watts - and my DH is totally okay with it!:D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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My 'addiction' is Nascar :p Accomplished almost NOTHING this weekend because I HAD to watch the truck race (to see who got the championship), the Nationwide race (to see who got the championship), and of course the Sprint cup race (to see...well, you know :lol: )


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Sussex is on my list to add, that may be on the order form this spring. I have about 15 to rotate out. I want to add some white leghorns, and another DP breed (either speckled sussex or new hampshires). I am anxious to try the caponizing though.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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SS, I understand! In fact, in another life (first marriage) my hubster was an engine builder for a race car team. We did a little Nascar racing waaaay back in the day - before we had children. It was fun, but oh so stressful.

I worked so hard today... I made progress on the chicken shelter then I went and visited with one of my neighbors who I never get to spend any time with because of our schedules. We sat on her porch and chatted for an hour or so. Her yard is chock full of acorns and pecans. She was complaining about them - so I told her I'd be glad to try and take some of 'em off of her hands. Woo hoo! I got 4- 5gallon buckets full of acorns and another 5 gallon bucket and half of another one with pecans. OMG - probably about 40 lbs of acorns and about 15 or so of pecans. I looove my neighbor. However, I spent a couple of hours with my behind in the air and my head down looking for pecans and I'm gonna hurt tomorrow.

The pigs dove right into the acorns. I can tell that 4 buckets isn't gonna last em very long... I put two buckets out for them tonight and they're methodically picking through them and scarfing 'em right up. These pigs better taste divine, lol. They get goat milk, whey, hard boiled eggs, acorns, and chicken carcasses. What else could a pig ask for???

Good things just kept happening because another neighbor gave me a package of venison stew meat. Man, has it been a good day or what? Maybe a glass of wine and a soak in the tub to top things is good!