Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I wouldn't have thought so either - but I found several instances where people talked about their goats having an allergic reaction to an iron injection. And, I usually keep epi on hand - and I didn't have any. That won't happen again either!

I should get home earlier than usual today so I'm going to try and get some pictures and get some of these critters posted on Craigslist! (and on here, lol)

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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Yes, pictures! Lol! I hate selling animals. I always say, if I could milk goats without breeding them, I would. Except once in a while when I need a replacement! It's a pain to sift through people and I always worry about where they're going.

Home early on a Friday? Sounds fantastic!

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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Yes, yes it is. And you'll make someone very happy to have them I'm sure!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Ya know how ya have all these plans to get things done and nothing, I mean nothing makes it easy?! Wanted to get the push mower out and get some of the tighter spots in the yard mowed before my rider gets fixed tomorrow. A week or so ago I wanted to do it to...but discovered that Cowboy (bad dog) had eaten the pull cord off the mower...GRRRRRR! Supposed to be an easy fix, but like I've mentioned before...(I love him!) DH isn't exactly mechanically inclined. But - he came inside and watched a YouTube video and is out working on it now. YAY! That's how he got the new heating element in the dryer! YouTube taught him how! Haven't even bought a new cord assembly for the mower yet, just hoping he could get it out and tie a stupid stick to the end of the string and we'll have a grip to pull. OR - I'll send him to town for a new one.

Been spending forever feeding these bottle babies. Decided this morning I'm going to wean them off of warm milk. Takes too stinking long to warm bottles. So, this morning their bottles were only barely warm. This afternoon they'll be even cooler and by tomorrow maybe they'll be taking it right outta the fridge. Hope so!

This beautiful weather has me in full blown garden mode. So, while I do have about 30 of those big tubs to plant in, there are some things I want to try and get in the ground. I've moved back to a garden area that I used several years ago and hope that the soil there is either recovered or that the hay I used to mulch there wasn't poisoned. Simply can't remember because it's been awhile since I planted that spot. It's always had beautiful soil and I'm remembering that as I till it. I'm going to try to put some yard long beans up against the arbor there and let 'em climb. This garden area isn't very big so I'm going to have to be creative. One of the sides is up against a goat pen so I need to plant something there that goats don't like to eat, lol. I've got their fence lined with smaller wire for holding chickens so I don't think they can get their heads through to munch anyway.

I got some free tomato seeds with my last seed order so I stuck 3 seeds in two tubs and hope they'll come up. I see two tiny eggplant seedlings have come through and a zucchini. I'm not sure how zucchini will do in a tub so I'll try putting some of those seeds in the ground and cross my fingers. :fl

Still have to do the coccidia prevention treatment on the kids and disbud the latest 4 that were born. And, since NHH mentioned trimming goat feet a couple posts back I actually looked at some of the feet on my goats and sure enough I need to take care of some of 'em.

AND - I thawed out a picnic roast from Mr. Piggy yesterday. Early, early this morning I rubbed some dry mix of brown sugar, herbs/spices on it and let it soak in for awhile. Put it in the oven at 500 for about 20 minutes to get it started. Pulled it out of the oven and poured a beer in the pan, covered it with foil and will roast it until this evening. Yum - I'm looking forward to that. It already smells soooo good in here.

I stopped tilling because the tiller ran out of gas. Came through the house to go get the gas and decided to get a drink of water and sit down and check to see if April the Giraffe was in labor, lol. Then decided to come on here and see what was going on - and now I've GOT to get back outside.

Happy Saturday ya'll!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score

Big picture of Cowboy and a couple of "his" babies. :) Those are two of the bottle baby bucklings.
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Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Stick a fork in me and call me done! Whew, I've been in constant motion today. Got a lot done - but it's never enough. I finished tilling the garden area and even got about half of it rowed up. I'm ready to get some seeds in the ground! I still have a couple chickens that are going rogue whenever they get the chance and they just love jumping in to that area. Now that it's got some fresh turned soil, they'll probably love it even more. Stoopid chickens.

Tomorrow is for finishing everything I didn't finish today - or at least trying to. I was going to disbud today, but none of these kids have much to work with. But, I'll still do 'em tomorrow - can't let this get away from me. Looked at one of the bucklings that I did in the first round and looks like.... ummm....looks like I didn't do a great job. He's going to be wethered and sold, so maybe I can ignore it. I hate to disbud - but even more I hate to have to do it twice on the same goat. That seems more like torture to me.

I pulled the pork roast outta the oven a few minutes ago and took a taste and OMG... it's sooooooooo good! Speaking of pigs--- the remaining pigsters are almost 100% grass fed now. They come up most evenings when I'm feeding everybody else and I'll toss about a half-bucket of feed to them and the stupid horses get in on that action too. So, everybody might get about 17 kernels of corn and a few pig pellets. They all look pretty good too....except the youngest little girl piglet. She's not growing as fast as her brother - but pretty sure that's because she's a girl. None of them look bony - they're maintaining their body weight well on 17 kernels of corn and a few pig pellets, lol! I'm guessing the sows are probably bred again, but this time I'm just gonna let nature take it's course. Not gonna pen them up or hover over them like last time. They be pasture pigs now!!

I need a shower - I'm stinky and yucky and gross.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
Sounds to me that you are having a very productive weekend. There is nothing as satisfying as working in the garden and looking back at your work at the end of the day. Your pork roast sounds delicious!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Fill bottles at night. Set them in a cooler, add very hot water, cover and feed in AM. At least it won't be frigid for them. :love

Ahhhh, the garden. I've worked past 5 days & next fact only day off thru 4/25 is Easter sunday. Then, a slow down so I hope to maybe (?) get an hr or two to at least till first, maybe one evening. By the time I feed AM/PM, just no time.

Could we get 30 hr days???:lol:

Congrats on getting work -- ANY work --- done. I need to find time to go to the tractor dealer for that $75. ignition switch. May call, do plastic over phone & have him MAIL IT. On line, no better price. 18 mos and it is worn out? $75. part?? not happy.

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