Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
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FEM, very productive weekend so far! That pork roast sounds heavenly :drool I found some "pulled pork" seasoning here that I like cooking with.. No pulled pork yet though! I should give that a go sometime.

How is your and DH's health? I hope you're both doing well.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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The roast absolutely was delish...I didn't 'pull' it yesterday, but think I will do that today. I'm so very pleased with the AGH meat.

@sumi - DH is hanging in there right now - thanks for asking. We see the eye doc again next Monday and will talk about (and hopefully schedule) cataract surgery on his right eye. He's got a double whammy with the bleed in his left eye that just isn't clearing up the way we hoped it would and a cataract in the right eye. He's basically got no functional vision in the left eye at all. The right eye has had previous bleeds but it seems the cataract is his worst problem in that eye right now. We both seem to have kicked the flu symptom with the exception of the occasional juicy cough that can be attributed to allergies as well. It's been high pollen season here for awhile.

He's had major problems with his job though. His boss is not 'user friendly' and complains every time he has an appointment....geeze they work for a hospital so you'd think they understand medical issues. And, his vision makes his work go slower - he literally has to use a magnifying glass to read. He got 'written up' for his absences even though he still has PTO coming to him. o_O I told him to just quit - the stress of working for a crazy (insert terrible words here) troll isn't helping his health. (I carry health insurance for both of us through my job.) While we really can't make it on just my salary, we've got investments that we can start drawing on and he can start drawing SS in a few months if that's what we need to do. Will it be a lifestyle change? Yup, but it's one I've been preparing for (thanks SS!) and we can make it if it comes down to that. He's at work today trying to catch up on some reports. He's been working every weekend since January-ish. ARGH!

@Mini Horses - great idea about the cooler. Hope you get the tractor fixed! My son will be over this morning to put my rider back together and I was thinking about having him help me attach the mower to the tractor - but I still have one more round bale to put out. Maybe we can do that first and THEN put the mower on.

DH fixed the push mower yesterday! Yay! If I have time I need to get behind it and get busy. My list for today is getting longer by the minute!

I locked up all the babies last night - for two reasons. I got to steal a little more milk this morning for those demanding bottle babies AND I gave all the little ones a coccidia prevention treatment. Wasn't at exactly three weeks of age for all for them...some were a little older and some a little younger - but at least it's done! Gonna start a couple of does on IVO plus again - will do a total of four treatments each ten days apart. I did that in late January and early Feb and the gals looked great - but by kidding time in March they were looking rough again. I'm thinking about fencing them away from the pond in wet weather. We're actually DRY right now - wish we could stay that way for awhile. I'd even be willing to endure a drought for a few months if it would break the parasite cycle I'm so tired of dealing with. Last year I kept mama's and baby's in the pasture and I'm not going to do that this year. The babies will NOT be allowed to run with the mama's even after they're weaned. Gonna 'dry lot' them until they're either sold or.... I'm only planning on keeping a couple does and to offset that I'll be selling some of the older ones.

Sitting in front of this computer is not helping my 'to do' list!

Happy Sunday ya'll!


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
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Fingers crossed they can get your DH booked in for cataract surgery ASAP. The poor man, that and a :duc boss as well. Him quitting work is going to make things hard for you guys, but listening to this, I'm starting to think you may have the right idea…

Hope you have a great day and get that to-do list down a bit!

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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Do you use Toltrazuril? (is that even how you spell it?)

Wow your husband's boss is a miserable.... Person. With his health issues and dealing with that? Yeah I'd be leaning towards quitting as well. Life is short, being miserable isn't worth it. I hope you're able to figure out what works best for you! When I quit my job it was hard, but we can save a lot of money. It does mean (it's painful!) that I have to limit my livestock and forgo splurge buys. But it's so worth it.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Yes - Toltrazuril...and I think that's how it's spelled, lol.

And, yes - she is a miserable.... I'm not sure I can even call her a person, lol! She is very OCD and hardly anyone at the hospital likes her. He's been warned about her so many times! HER boss, a VP, loved my DH - but she moved on. She has promised him a job, if he wants it, when he gets his vision cleared up. Downside to that would be that the job would probably be in downtown Houston and I don't want him doing that drive anymore. He's done it for years and its just horrible. That's the only thing I like about the hospital he's at now is that it's much closer and not on any major freeway.

It is rumored that the new VP person that is coming in to replace the VP that left is not fond of DH's current boss. The hospital community constantly recycles people from one hospital to another. After so many years in hospital management DH knows lots and lots of hospital administrators and has the scoop on this lady who is coming in. Hopefully, if the scuttlebutt is right - it might be his current boss that is taking a hike soon. I told him to just wait it out - but at the same time to start thinking about making a move, or doing the retirement thing sooner than later.

Geeze, I composed this earlier but never hit "post reply" ....

So, it's been a day! After milking and doing coccidia treatments this morning I moved on to the garden. I got the rest of it rowed up and have it about 3/4 planted. I've got in a row of yard long climbing beans and a row of cucumbers. Both of those are up against the fence. Then I planted two rows of bush beans. We really like green beans! Put in a short row of zucchini and another short row of yellow squash. Got a tub planted with basil. We love, love, love pesto - so I try to grow lots of basil. I sill want to plant some radishes, carrots and maybe some swiss chard. I'm going to plant some okra and some winter squash in some different areas cuz I'm just about out of room in this area.

After that I spent at least an hour behind the push mower. Our weed-eater died last fall and we haven't replaced it or fixed it since then cuz it was winter-ish. But, with our weather the weeds just kept growing. So, I used the push mower to get down the worst of it. DH has ordered the parts to fix the weed-eater but they're not here yet.

Oh - and my DS fixed the rider in probably less than 5 minutes. He's so talented. Then he mowed the front and side for me. Have I said lately how much I love/appreciate my son? He's awesome!

Disbudded the 4 kids that hadn't been done yet. That would be the triplet bottle babies and the little pygmy buckling. Went pretty fast and I was glad to get it done. I think I'm done for today.....except for giving the bottle babies their good-night bottle. I'll do that in about an hour and then I can go to bed too. But, before that I need to warm up the left-over roast. DH just got home after working all day....on Sunday. I severely dislike his (*&^&*%&(^ boss!

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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So... You must be tired! That's a LOT of work for one weekend!

I am also planting a ton of beans. 3 varieties. We eat a lot of them, and it's the only thing that thrives in my crappy soil with no attention! Oh, and radishes but yuck.

I hope your husband's boss goes away soon. That is miserable. And driving to downtown any city is probably not a good plan with eye/health issues! Not cool, miserable boss, not cool!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I hope so! I don't wish her ill - but I think this job is too much for her and her OCD is making not only her life miserable but those around her also. However - DH and I decided that we just give this one to God. It's out of our hands and what will be will be.


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
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I do not wish her ill either, but I really hope she's up for a transfer soon! Your DH has MORE than enough stress to deal with, with his eyesight problems… I cannot imagine how that must feel, being able to see o.k., then not, o.k., not, not… And working in-between regardless of the challenges thrown at him with his sight issues. I take my hat off to him, I do!

:hugs to you both

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