No meds. That was just wishful thinking! I did pop 4 Motrin and feel a tad better. Sore throat is much better and temp is dropping- but being in bed helps the most!
I do feel a bit better this morning. I was up early - ran into town and picked up laxatives for dad...sheesh...took them back home and got back to work on time. I need to call the home health folks. The NP that came out said she was ordering some other meds for dad that were NOT at the pharmacy when I picked up his new Nebulizer. Not sure what's up with that...but come on folks let's get it right!
First order of business today is to get DH an apt with an Optometrist to get some correction for the left eye. He likes the optometrist here in town so that means I won't have to drive him back to the Houston clinic to get a prescription. Just hoping with correction on that eye he'll have acceptable vision. He's about ready to just pack it in and retire or go on disability or just stand on the street corner with a cane and a cup, lol!
I would be doing that. With less of what it takes for us to work -- gas, clothes, lunches, any thing to save time/get us there -- you may net out better than you think. The stress factor alone may lessen -- altho I am sure stress from sight loss Is great! -- it is a more "adaptable" situation if you have no supervisors expecting "what they pay for".
Sure hope that you can get some lens to help in the better eye. Even the expense of faster need to change RX may be worth the cost to restore some sight for him. He has a lot to accept with this sight loss and it HAS TO BE hard. I hope it isn't permanent & some correction is available, even not 20/20 would work right now.
I don't know if they make Service Dog coats big enough for Cowboy, lol!
We'll probably make that decision based on the outcome of this eye...won't know anything for a month at least. Of course, his company might "retire" him anyway...
Hope that he can get one eye sorted out! Although retirement sounds good. And disability required poor vision in both eyes right? So perhaps he would qualify now? How frustrating/unpleasant for all of you.
Yea, we checked into it and he wouldn't qualify with his vision. They go by what it can be corrected to - and eventually if things go right (like they always do, huh?) He'd be more likely to qualify with his diabetes/neuropathy issues.
Today might have been the worst day in history, lol. But, I'm over it and back to my regular, good natured, almost practically perfect self!!
Most of the day went good enough. but, when I was leaving work I had a ticket on my windshield. From our own college PD. I'll bet it was by that new a..hole officer. So....we're supposed to hang our parking pass on our rear-view mirror. My rearview mirror has all kindsa electronic thingy's around it and it's real thick and you can't hang the parking pass from there. I even called our awesome PD when we changed to hanging passes instead of decals to inform them of the issue. No problem they said - happens with a lot of vehicles - just lay the parking pass on the dashboard. So, I did. pass got turned upside down and the number was face down. Gimme a frickin' break folks! On the way to the doc yesterday I tossed a folder on the dash...knocked the pass off and threw it back up there. Excuse the heck outta me if I didn't notice that it was face down. I will FIGHT THIS - and I will PREVAIL! (if not, I'll pay the stupid 10 fine - ugh)
I get home and hear yelling and screaming and cussing from the (bad) neighbors house - next door. I'm hearing MF'ing and GD dogs and screaming and things breaking and dang it if Cowboy and Gracie didn't come running from the other side of the neighbors house. I whistle, they come home and I chain Cowboy up. Then the screaming starts again....she's yelling at her DH that the MF'ing dogs have been driving her crazy all day and that she's sick of it and everything to do with it.
Now - this isn't unusual behavior for her - she screams like that at her husband, her step kids, her own dogs/cats and figments of her imagination. BUT, given the day, the week and the couple months I've had - I flipped out myself. I started yelling right back at her and I wasn't that nice. If the dogs are bothering you just call me - you do it all the time!
At one point she was so obnoxious I told her to kiss my A__ and she said 'bring it on'.... so I marched my big fat behind out the gate (we were yelling at each other across the six foot fence) and headed to her house. I even screamed "I'm sorry the ____ dog got out", but why didn't she call me? She takes great pleasure in calling me usually... So she brought up the one time that she called me at work and I didn't rush right home and get him so that's why she didn't bother to call me this time.
I asked her what it was they did besides walk through her yard that was so horrible. "Well, Cowboy looks in the window" LOL!! "and he doesn't like me" So, I told her I didn't blame him a bit for not liking her. She said he scares her cats. So, I'm screaming back that after all these years when all her dam cats come to my house - spray my front door - spray my car- get in my garage and spray everything in there - crawl all over my vehicles that I've NEVER once called her and complained. So, she starts crying....and I start crying and she comes to give me a big hug. How messed up is that, lol! So we hugged it out and started laughing about it and it's all good. For now...
Now - I know that Cowboy gets out and he shouldn't. She has a right to not want him in her yard and I acknowledge that he SHOULDN'T get out but compared to the chaos her cats cause at my house I call us even. I spent all weekend working on the back of my fence and went tonight to finish up the little section that I didn't get finished. So, while I was on the tractor I decided to drive around and look at the back fence on the neighbors side. There's a tree down on the fence. The fence held, but it's pushed down and a lot of the top staples popped out so it's not as tall as it originally was. Hmmmm, I wonder if Cowboy knows about THAT spot? Actually, it's not a's a nice long section.
I guess this weekend I'll try to get out there and get the tree off the fence but I don't even really know how to start. I guess I can try to get the FEL under it and lift it off without making the fence even worse. I don't even own a chain saw...some low life took it from my garage a few years back. IF I can get the tree offa the fence I'll try to find someone to come put up electric. I'm done with this ongoing saga of not knowing where he got out - and shoring up one spot after another. I should have done it a year ago. I don't need this drama anymore - I've got lots of other dramas to worry about.
I'm going to start chaining him up in the mornings so he doesn't "terrorize" the neighbors during daylight hours. But, I will take him off at night. We need him doing his job at night.
DH has an eye doc apt in the morning to get a prescription for the left eye. Hopefully he'll be able to see out of that eye enough to drive/work/exist.
I'm surprised I feel so good tonight. I guess releasing all that emotion was cathartic.