Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
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Go FEM! :thumbsup I believe we all have moments like that… And you can certainly be excused with all the stress you've had lately!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
She started it. She shouldn't oughta have yelled at my dawg, lol! Keep your cats home and close your blinds, but don't you MF my dawg! :lol:
She's just darn lucky that you didn't open up a six-pack of Texas Whup-Ass all over her! Yelling at your dawg qualifies for stomping a mudhole in her face. :lol:


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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She's just darn lucky that you didn't open up a six-pack of Texas Whup-Ass all over her! Yelling at your dawg qualifies for stomping a mudhole in her face. :lol:

I totally agree! Don't yell at my dawg or my kids. I can yell at 'em all day long but nobody else better! You can even yell at my DH all you want but some things are just off limits!!

AND - I found one of the places the stoopid dawg has been getting out thanks to my little neighbor shadow. (the GOOD neighbors on the other side of me) The kiddos next door like to come out while I'm feeding. They like Cowboy. So, little K asked me if it's alright if she pets him when he's out and I said of course - but that I'd like to know where he's getting out at. She pointed to the gate on their side of the pasture and said - he's getting out right there - I see him do it all the time! :th
They have a drive through gate to their pasture that looks like this:

I took welded wire and closed off the gap at the top and added even more height a long time ago. Every time I walk by that gate I see the wire in place. What I DIDN'T see was that the welded wire over the opening had come unhooked from the pipes and was basically just hanging there looking for all the world like it was attached. It wasn't and Cowboy had no problem crawling under the wire and popping right through those pipes. Guess what? It's attached NOW! It'll be interesting to see if he stays in the fence tomorrow!

In other news - today wasn't much, if any, better than yesterday. Started dad on a new med last night. They warned me it would lower blood pressure (his is already low) and might cause dizziness. Sooooo, I cut it in half. Didn't help - he fell at midnight last night and again at 9ish this morning. At 9ish this morning DH and I had just walked into the eye doc. I had to leave DH there and come home and see if I could get dad up by himself - mostly. I got him into a sitting position and had to hold his feet with my feet on top of 'em or else I was just dragging his butt across the floor. Caretaker got behind him, and we popped him right offa that floor. I wouldn't even let him try to walk again after that. Got his wheelchair outta the garage and told him not to try to walk again. Mostly he stayed in bed.

Now this next part might fall under the TMI part - so read at your own risk!

We don't think dad pooped since last we upped the stool softeners, gave laxatives yesterday - nothing worked. DH was wanting to take him to the ER - and that was definitely on the list but I suggested an alternative. The dreaded enema. So glad that DH is a nurse cuz there's NO WAY IN HECK that I'd do that, lol. Long story short - dad is feeling much better right now, lol.

In fact, after being in bed most of the day - he got up a few minutes ago - got his walker instead of the wheelchair and surprised the heck out of us by walking in here on his own. YAHOO!!!

I wrote on his white board..."Are you feeling better"? His answer - "was I feeling bad before?" LOL! Gotta love that! Now he's sitting on the couch doing the "I remember" recitation that he does quite often. I think maybe he IS feeling better. I'm just gonna pretend that yesterday didn't happen... whew!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas

I took care of my Grandmother when she fractured her back. She got constipated and was VERY vocal about it. On a good day, that woman could peel bark off trees with her acid tongue. On a bad day, she could chew the whole danged forest into toothpicks. I got her stool softeners.....nope. I gave her a laxative.... nope. All the while I was getting dressed down in a scathing barrage of verbal assault. Finally I just gave her a handful of the darn things. When she blew, she BLEW! She crapped the bed, a trail down the hall way, I had to help her get up and walk her to the toilet. She crapped all over the toilet, I lifted her poop covered gown over her head, then when she was finally empty, I put her in the shower. While she sat on the pot, I changed the bed, cleaned the hall and wiped it all up. I got chewed out again for the mess, because it was all my fault. :D I dried her off, put a clean gown on her and tucked her back in bed.

I kept a baby monitor in her room so I could hear her. One night I heard her stirring around, so I got up to investigate. The carpet was wet and I figured she knocked her glass of water over. She sounded all demure and quiet, telling me I was going to hate her for what she did. I told her I could never hate her, what happened. She said she had to go potty, but didn't want to wake me up so she peed in her trash can. It was wicker, so the pee ran out onto the carpet. She quickly snarled at me that it was all MY fault because I gave her a trash can with holes in it! :thSo at 3 AM I am standing in a pee puddle and just HOW is that MY fault? :lol: Again, I cleaned up the mess, took her to the REAL potty and put her back to bed.

yeah, I know what you are going through....

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