Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Conan is a pure mess, lol. Glad he's finally gained some weight...makes me feel better.

I was tired last night after getting up at 4:30am yesterday and went to bed early. BUT - not until I cooked dinner in our brand new instant pot! I had two thick cut pork chops in the freezer so I grabbed them and some frozen lima beans and plopped 'em in the pot. It was amazing, lol! They went from frozen to done in less than an hour, and that's including pre-heat, cooking and cool down. I'm not really sure I even did it right... not the best instruction reader - but it worked! I know, I know... I'll investigate it more today. I want to try a meat loaf next. I'm thrilled with the pressure cooking aspect because it's so quick, but I fully intend to investigate all the other options!

About to head out to DH's follow up. I expect it to be fine. He's had a little soreness but not any intense pain at all. So thankful for that!

I'm taking the entire day off today so when we get home I'll have a couple extra hours to devote to farm time. So far, so good on Cowboy staying in. YaY!!! :weee


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
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Glad to hear DH is feeling o.k. and you're taking some time off! Hope Cowboy will continue staying put and Conan will continue doing so well. You know we'll be expecting regular pics now to keep an eye on his progress? ;)

That instant pot sounds wonderful, but I have my eye on a crock pot/slow cooker in the supermarket here. With my moving and other things eating into my often limited budget I am now only finally buying "extras" for the kitchen and that looks like a great addition.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Went to the follow-up appt. this morning and while things look good - his vision is worse. Totally to be expected right after surgery - there's swelling and inflammation inside the eye. BUT - I want them to take that bandage off and him to jump up and down and say that he can see perfectly. Didn't happen :( Doc said the healing process could take up to six months but that he should at least be back to his before surgery level of sight in a few days.

Conan is outside this morning. He's in a puppy play pen in front of the house. Not ready to put him out in the barn right now...especially when I'm treating the big guys for lice. UGH! It's a battle we fight this time every year. I've got some premise spray that I plan on soaking the little barn down with if the weekend weather cooperates. I don't really want to be messing with a sprayer and wet stuff in the temps are cold, lol. Call me a wuss...

I'm about to head out and treat every goat I can catch with pale eyelids with Levamisole. Hopefully using a completely different class of wormer will interrupt the cycle. I know, I know...don't change wormers until the last one you used isn't working anymore...but guess what...NOTHING is working well so I'm going rogue on this one!

I need to move some round bales, but I'm really afraid with all the mud that even with 4 wheel drive engaged on the tractor that I won't get where I need - and if I get stuck - well too darn bad I guess. Tractor would probably have to sit there until major drying out goes on. Might rethink this, lol!


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
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Hopefully once his eye healed up his vision will be much, much better :fl He went through so much with the surgeries now, he deserves something good to come off all this.

FEM, is there any way you can get hold of some hemp leaves? Apparently those (and the leaves of their mostly illegal relative) leaves is fantastic as dewormer when fed to animals. As per big agri magazine article published in South Africa a number of years ago. I hear it's something to do with the fibre content of the plants.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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LOL - like they need a reason to want to eat! Stoned goats would be unbearable!

Got a lot done in those couple extra hours I had this afternoon. First off was rescuing a goat who was literally stuck in the mud. STUCK! UP TO HER BELLY! Dang I wish I had taken a picture! Geeze, she had to have been there since feeding time last night because there was a huge pile of poop behind her....poor thang! Got her out with Cowboy trying to be the foreman and totally getting in the way. That's all I need a stuck goat AND a stuck dog, lol. Got all the extra Cowboy fencing (that I had attached above the regular fence) rolled up and put away until I need it for something. There was a LOT of it.
Wormed all the bucks and about 1/2 or maybe even 2/3rds of the does with, again, Cowboy trying to be the foreman. Checked eyelids and anybody who was pale got a dose. I've been trying to do that about every 8-10 days for a month or so now. I need to hit 'em and hit 'em hard. No mercy. And, I need to dust the bucks for lice. Grrrr!

Tried to move a partially eaten round bale and that didn't work at all! Succeeded in getting it even more torn up than it was...geeze.

I had planned to disbud Conan today, but couldn't find any Tetanus Anti-toxin so he's got a reprieve until tomorrow. But, I have GOT to get that done quickly.

@sumi - I have no idea where I'd get any hemp leaves...I'd have better luck finding the illegal cousin, lol! I'll have to do some investigating. I have some of the natural worming powder that I've never really used, but I might start putting some in their feed - just as an extra layer. I've never been totally convinced that the natural stuff works- but if it even helps a little and it's not a chemical - why not give it a chance? That's what I was thinking when I bought it (at least a year ago) so I guess I should go ahead and give it a try.

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