I have a baby goose! Whoooop! I noticed two eggs in the incubator were pipping last night, and this morning there's one real live baby and the other one is workin on it... AND, outside in the barnyard, Lucy is sitting on 8 eggs. They won't be due for probably another week or so - I didn't keep good records... I'm hoping she'll take these two after her clutch hatches - if her clutch hatches. Not sure if it'll work trying to slip two older babies under her.
Got lots on the 'to do' list today, so I'd better get started.
Thanks, WBF! And, drum roll please.....Now I have TWO baby gooses.. geese... babies! I'm so excited. I've been trying to get the Pilgrim geese going for -EVER. Hopefully the eggs that Lucy is sittin'on are just as fertile and healthy as these two.
Definitely not the best pic, but all I got right now!
We also finished a chicken tractor today. It wasn't exactly what I envisioned, but.... it's what we ended up with, lol. Construction is NOT my strong suit, but it's together and chicksters are in it.
And, I'm gonna take OFFFFF tomorrow! Im even gonna brave te weird weather and plant summpin! Any kind of summpin as long as I get my fingers in the dirt!