Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I don't like black clay
I'm quite sick of it - thank ya very much! It's been raining lightly, but steadily since sometime last night. It would be a great rain if we needed rain....but we DON'T! And, I'm a little witchy this morning cuz I added that intermittent fasting thing to my life. And. I'm. Hungry! I'm going to try the 16/8 plan which means no food for 16 hours then you get to eat for 8 hours. And, I'll stick with the low carb plan also. Not sure if this is the plan for me, but I'll give it the ol' college try, lol. In fact, several people here at the college are doing it already. How did I not know about this?

Little critters in the garage brooder are growing! I'm gonna need a place to move them too before much longer. But, it's NASTY out. Guess I'll leave 'em in the brooder until their heads start hitting the top, lol!
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NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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Oh no thanks on fasting. My blood sugar would be an issue! Good luck though!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks @Britesea!

I was afraid that I'd blown the diet yesterday because I had some grapes last night. I love grapes, lol. I guess I'd never looked up the carb count before but a whole cup is only 16 grams... not so bad actually. So, even with the grapes I only had about 20 carb grams yesterday. It was also my first fasting day. My plan was to fast until 1p yesterday - I only made it to 12:30. So, I stopped eating t 8:30 last night and....drum roll please... I lost .4 of a lb. That's great because I had yo-yo'd a bit a couple days last week. Lose a lb....gain a 1/2 lb...lose 1/2 lb gain another. Crazy! That's when I decided to try the intermittent fasting. Gotta give another shout out to the quick almond flour bread recipe from @FarmerJamie. Added a good bit of garlic powder to the recipe last night and used it as "cornbread" with some chicken soup last night. It is a life-saver!

DH is gone to town this morning to get a tire repaired on his car. He keeps getting a low tire signal and every time he fills it up - it leaks again. Maybe has a nail or something - but he needs to get it taken care of.

Soon as I finish my cup of tea I've got some dirty chores to get to out side. Dusty and his side-kick Kinder buck need a raised platform in their shelter. It doesn't rain in there, but we are so wet that the ground is just moist everywhere and they only have one little spot that isn't damp. I'm going to carry a pallet in there for them and find something to cover the spaces so they can at least have a dry place to lay down. Then I'm thinking of moving Conan and the Nigi buck to another area. It'll be a bit smaller, but drier for them too. I

Finally the chances of rain are dropping a bit...still have it in the forecast for the next week or so but not quite as heavy. Galveston has had over 20 inches in the last couple of weeks. I think we're over a foot. Thankfully it's been spread out over two weeks so no flooding - but lots and lots of slop. :(

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Slop not fun. Overcast and damp, not fun. Throw have or shavings over the pallets, it will get stomped in the holes. Just need to keep those legs out, don't need broken ones!

I loaded the hay feeder in the goat shed late day. They were grazing but, knew it would rain/drizzle overnight & this AM. Yep, they are happy for the bale of hay!.

Chickens -- molting in force and I hate this because you find feathers everywhere. With some wind, there are piles. Fill a pillow piles, LOL. BUT mainly I start to look for "missing" in case. Most of year if you find a lot of feathers, someone gone. I have had a fox this summer. :(

Got my shipment of comfrey roots and need to plant! This time I will put into some large pots, then Spring will dedicate a fenced area and put them out when they have leafed some. They are not cheap but, with 30-35 starts, I should be able to multiply and share if others need a plug. I did get some 3-4 y/o crowns this time to help buy some grow time. My goats & chickens love those leaves! Hope the get some dried to use. That's a "next year" work in progress. :lol:


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
You have been covered up with rain, while we have been dry as an old bone in the desert. All. Summer. Finally we got rain, grass is perking up and maybe farmers can get another cutting of hay.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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And, I hope it dries up enough for them to get another cutting! We did have a tiny peek of sun this morning. But thunder followed. No rain here today thankfully. So far...

Got my dirty work done this! I got the pallet moved and found enough scrap boards to cover the gaps. Hung up hay feeders instead of feeding their hay out of feed pans on the ground. I'll move a feeder that hangs on the fence in there this evening when I feed. Naturally they haven't even been in to check out my handiwork yet...

Got Conan and Felix (nigi buck) moved to a new area too. I'm sure they appreciate it - I can tell by how hard they are trying to get out, lol! But, again, it's a better space for them right now.

Came inside and went straight to the shower. It doesn't even matter if I'm wearing mud boots that come almost to my knees. Water much fun when it splashes up high and then runs down INSIDE your boots. Love that feeling of squishing in the mud on the inside of my boots. Oh, and the piglets. I've made them way too friendly. They come to greet me ever time I go through the gate and they MUST rub their noses on me...both on the boots and above. One of the males is so friendly that he lays his head on my leg demanding to be scratched. I'm gonna have to keep that one. I've got two males that I'm considering penning up and starting the milk soaked corn treatment. I want to get them butchered this fall. No - let me rephrase that. I WILL get them butchered this fall. Even if I have to do the whole thing myself - it will get done.

No piglets yet, but I can't imagine that all the sows wouldn't be bred. Won't that be fun if I have 4 or so sets of new piglets at some point? There is one thing for sure - there will never be a shortage of pork around here!

Think I'll go put together a big ol salad. I've got a couple chicken thighs left from the other day so I'll rip them up to toss in the salad. Guess I can take my time cuz it's two more hours before I eat. I need a distraction!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Long, busy but fun day! We got up firly early and went to a 10am movie. Saw The Nun which is a horror movie. Kinda predictable but sure had some "gotcha" moments in it! Then on to lunch at a steak place. I got the prime rib and for the first time it just wasn't good.... shoulda sent it back but tried to power through. Never had tough prime rib before...uck. Went to buy DH some new clothes after that. Got him a couple new pairs of slacks and a shirt and some new cologne. I committed to the cologne before I knew the price - mistake! But, it is the most unique fragrance I've ever smelled for a guy...and somehow...not really sure how it happened...but a nice new pair of shoes followed me home! Yay!

And then....(DH had a really good day) we got a new computer for DH! He's been limping along on a nearly 20 year old 'puter. It's been updated a couple times, but it was really on it's last leg. Didn't even have a wi-fi card. So now he's all up to date - for a couple months or so, lol.

All that shopping wore me out. Came home and had some salmon and garlic-y green beans for dinner. We had a little bit of wine left in a bottle we opened Friday so we shared the last glass. Just enough to make me want to crawl in bed and get my zzzzz's.