Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Weather is beeeee-you-teeeee-full today!

So why am I working inside? I dunno - but the spirit moved me this morning to re-arrange my kitchen. Not major re-arranging - but kitchen cabinet type re-arranging and/or cleaning out. You know when you have a bunch of storage containers but no lids...or you have a bunch of lids and no containers? It's killing me but I'm getting rid of everything that's not a full lid and container set. Just see no reason to keep storing 195 lids that have no container of their own....sad. :( But - gotta do it.

And - since it's about to be the holiday season I'm moving all the serving type dishes that I use during the season to a place that's easier to access. Most of them are in the cabinets at the very tip top - or back in a corner of the ones that are hardest to reach. Gonna spend a little time today making my life easier for the next couple months. In order to do that - I'm moving all the canning jars and tools out to the breezeway storage area. My back is already killing me!

Might have to take a break and go do some outside work. My back is accustomed to picking up feed and hay lol. It's complaining today about bending and reaching. Silly thing!

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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Anytime you want to rearrange the kitchen is a good time to do it. Because otherwise you never will! Lol


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Ya'll are right!

But, I did have to stop and go outside. I needed to bring a couple bales of hay from the red barn to the smaller barn. Dusty and his troops are going through a lot of hay right now. And I'm letting 'em cuz Dusty has his usual "barely-there hair over a skeletal frame" look going on. He'll look that way until about February...geeze he makes me look like a terrible goat mama.

Went ahead and did the evening feeding while I was out there. Baby pigs are getting fat little tummies on 'em. Mama is obviously feeding them good after a slow start. Maybe it was the beer, lol! Still muddy and guess what - supposed to rain some more!! I'm so happy I could just spit...ugh. Just wait until I get retired... I'm gonna pave this entire place!

I've been checking a lot of membranes lately and finally caught the little Nigi/Kinder buckling. I figured he'd be pale, pale. As best I recall I've only wormed him once and I've never treated him for coccidia because he's so stinkin' hard to catch. I was very pleasantly surprised to see that his membraned are bright pink! It looks like the Kinder buck is passing on his own parasite resistance. I'm gonna have to keep more of his kids. Unfortunately he throws very few doelings - but I betcha they would make a good cross with Conan (who is having the time of his life living in the pasture with all the girls).

Need to go shower cuz I'm a stinky, muddy mess. Then I'm gonna get in my moo-moo (or is that mu-mu?) and have mucho wine!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Sounds like a great day! We worked on the chicken coop.
It was a great day! If I could have those kind of days every day - or at least 5 days a week - I might get caught up around here!

@baymule - I'm watching the progress of your purple silky coop. It's coming along!

I've been thinking about a permanent pen for Big Daddy. If I can't keep his big self confined somewhere I may have to stick him in the's Big Daddy - can't eat him! (at least not yet - but he's beginning to get on my last nerve....)

Got up before the sun this morning - thanks to the time change. Guess I'd better get used to it cuz my life for the next few months will revolve around feeding in the dark morning and evening. Yay - love these times...:(

It's supposed to rain this morning, so I'll be inside until it passes. Then I need to get out to the big barn and put up dividers that keep the horses and hogs out of the goat area. If not, the horses will eat ALL the hay and the hogs will just be in my way. The way I do it leaves an area where the horses can still access some hay - but they can't reach all of it which allows the goats to get their share. I'm not ready to start feeding hay every day yet - but with all the rain and mud the goats aren't doing much browsing. I've only got 3 round bales so far and 50 squares, but I've already been feeding the squares. The goats up in the smaller barn and the bucks need hay. They don't really have a place to get out and browse.

I guess I could go ahead and kick Cameo out of the barnyard and back into the pasture. I stopped milking and she's just growing a baby belly now. The exercise will do her good but she's been pampered for so long she might not want to go back out and just be a regular ol' part of the herd.

Need more coffee...

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Love the days we have "off" and weather is also great! I spent one of those days inside doing, basically, same as you -- rework kitchen while the MOOD is there! It's not fun and your mood has to be right or it just can't happen. Have a few outside "mood" jobs. Hope I can have a day/mood meeting of my mind soon. :D

Yep, canning jar storage time. :eek: but, clean, sealed and ready to heat & use next year. I have a closet for them, sharing with clothes. Since son is still living in my garage :barnie Not my idea of good.

Hate the time change thingy...I want daylight at both ends!! I guess most of that problem is "time of year" :lol: If we could skip winter, wow a lot of issues would clear up for us, light, temps, time to do. :old

Weather great here but, work in couple hours. Guaqamole dip -- so avocados coming home. Have apples in dehydrator now, about 4th batch. I eat them a lot! Another batch to go (apples from demos). :D Need to go change clothes & leave.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Does a hot wire work on Big Daddy? and no, you can't eat him. :old Probably won't work on the coop today, I am still a little sore and DH fell off a chair this morning. Sounds weird but I had a flash that he was going to fall off the chair, and he did, flat out in the floor. So he is stove up and not interested in moving much. he'll be ok, nothing broken, but I bet tomorrow he'll really be sore.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Hot wire does work on Big Daddy - I just need to set aside pen space for him. I was actually working on that but I put sows in there instead. It has hot wire on one end already installed. I'd need to do a bit more, but it would be a good place for him.

I'm enjoying my outside time today even though it's not as pretty as yesterday. We've had a few off and on sprinkles but nothing terrible.

Anybody ever notice that goats don't like change? I'm re-arranging the barn and they are totally not happy with me. Even Cowboy is giving me dirty looks. I keep telling them they'll like it when it's finished. It'll keep those nasty hogs away from everybody and keep the horses from being so pushy. AND, it'll keep them (and me) out of the mud at feeding time. So, it's a win-win.

Guess I better get back out there... Texans play in a couple of hours and I intend to be totally finished, have the critters fed, myself bathed and ready to sit down and watch the game by then.

Go Texans!!

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
Lol! See, my goats think new things are fun. Maybe it's an alpine thing!