Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Just talked to my sister who lives in Conroe, just north of Houston. Now mind you, it is 58 degrees here, drizzly, gray, gloomy and just plain yukky. It is 89 degrees there, bright and sunny. :th

Not freakin' fair!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
We were supposed to get close to 90 today - but it ain't gonna happen. It was 86 when I left to go run lunchtime errands. It's about 82ish now. I was headed out to get feed - hoping that it wouldn't rain. Didn't get a mile from work and it started raining so I turned around and went to Wal-Mart. Can't get feed in the rain cuz my stoopid bed cover leaks. I want a new one - but the one I want is mucho expensive and I'm just not into spending a lot of money on things I want when it's this close to Christmas. I'd rather spend it on kids and grandkids!

Got annoyed at Wal-Mart cuz they only have a couple cashiers these days. They expect everybody to go through the U-check lines now. Not that big a deal except I got a screwy one and it wouldn't take my AMEX. Wouldn't take my Visa. Wouldn't take my MasterCard. GRRRRR!!! I did have a checkbook with me but I refuse to write checks, lol. Finally I got it to take my debit card. I don't have time for that kinda ordeal. Just gimme a grouchy ol' cashier any day! :)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
We fell from a high of 89 on Wednesday to the 50's today. Might have our first freeze next week...waaay early for us. It's just yucky out there - cold, windy and rainy.

I have to work Saturday. We are doing a community service project and working a watering station for a 5k run. The run is put on by a wonderful man who works with our group of kids whenever possible. He is a former teacher and coach who has been in the community for a million years. He coached my kids in elementary school. I guess I'm making him sound old, lol. Actually he's my age. Geeze, I guess that's making ME sound old. But, I digress. He puts on this race every year as a tribute to his son who was lost in an accident many years ago. He uses the money to give scholarships to students every year. Generally some of our students will receive a scholarship also. SOOOO, at 6:30 tomorrow morning we will be outside in the cold handing out water to runners. It's usually great fun, but I'm not expecting to be real comfortable, lol.

My next order of business is to get some amount of critters offa my feed bill! I'm pretty sure I'm going to butcher all the quail. DH wanted them as HIS project, but he's not made one attempt to take care of them. So, off to the freezer they go! And, it's still on my agenda to put a pig in the freezer. I'm going to do at least one of the smaller ones myself and save the two big boars for the neighbor to help with or get them an appointment at the processing facility. Bad time of year for that though... And, just for fun, it's supposed to be rainy most of the weekend. I only have to work until early afternoon on Saturday so maybe if there's no rain I can get one done. Chance of rain Sunday too.... ARGH!!!

It seems that DH's stomach issues have settled down. We were so very worried that it was gastroparesis. He's still taking it very cautiously but so far no more nausea and vomiting for a couple days. We'll see what happens when he starts eating normally again.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
You can gripe -- me, too -- almost identical weather! I work Sat & Sun (food demos) which pretty much negates most any plans due to timing. Off today!! It is breezy, overcast, 50s now and up to ma6be 65. Yippee ? Well, could be worse. :idunno At the moment, messing up all my "lists", it does seem worse.

So very good to hear DH stomach issues are clearing or at least holding steady. I'm sure you are looking at a bland, mild diet for a few more days in case. Maybe some good yogurt to replenish the bacteria in there?

Have you mentioned the quail/freezer connection to him? Or would it not even be noticed the cage was empty? :hide Do you feel like you did when the kids were kids and had pets that became "yours"? :D

I liked your decision to just "put a buck in the field". I'm there but, have 5 youngs I don't want to breed until Feb -- that means I have to move and accommodate for a few months and I'm not REALLY wanting to -- but, may. There's that thing with reworking pens, etc. You've just done that. Do you feel it was worth your time? Frustrating, isn't it. ( We need some way to stay home and have the job keep sending us checks. :lol: Would solve a lot. ) Right now, kiddings look to start no earlier than March, then into Apr/May. Grass will be coming in and weather decent. I'm good with it.

How's Cowboy and the 2 girls?

I am actually "looking" at some inside work at least part of the day. They say we might have rain. I'm on the edge of this crap, so it's a see-saw. Rain last couple days made some unwanted mud.

Do have ONE good thing today. My 12/1 demo assignment gives me a FREE Instant Pot device. :D Nice!!! Goat meat will be first thing I cook in it! by the way, it has been a great tasting meat. So much so that I am looking at buying Boer kids in raise & butcher....& raise & sell. Part of the "develop farm income" to cut back on outside work. Not sure I can totally quit work -- as I've said before. It's a hard, hard decision. You know, you are there. When you get to my age & quit, hard to get them to take you back. Found both jobs have an "extended" time off option. May take a 3 month sabbatical and test the waters before I actually quit. :old

That's the end of my "phone call" to you for now. :lol:

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
My little town WalMart had goat meat cubes in stock (frozen) to sell today. I was shocked! WHAT?!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Or would it not even be noticed the cage was empty?
He wouldn't notice, lol. He hasn't gone out the back door in weeks...maybe months.

What a miserable day..not too cold, but miserable just the same. We were in the mid 50's today and drizzly off and on. Of course there were errands to be run for work that couldn't be put off for better weather. Tomorrow morning will be the community service project - supposed to be in the 40's. Yay - great weather for standing outside and playing with ice and water@ Thankfully, that's what the students will be doing and I might be hiding in a vehicle somewhere. :hide

Cowboy has been lonely lately - the girls have been in heat and have been in the yard while he sulks behind the electric fence! I think I'll put Maddie back out in the pasture tomorrow - she's been up for a while now. I think it's safe.

Amazing that Wal-Mart is stocking goat meat. Crazy - but maybe a good thing!

@baymule - no freeze here tonight, thank goodness! They did mention that maybe mid-week next week we'll get our first freeze. Three weeks early!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Supposed to be cold next week, freezing temps at night. But there will be SUNSHINE Tuesday through Friday!:celebrate