Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
It drizzled all night and still is. It is cold and nasty. Good day to stay in and let my blabberfingers run loose on the internet.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Fed in the rain tonight and was sure glad I'd brought all the hay up within easy reach yesterday. It's not raining too hard, but it's steady. Just started thundering and flashing some lightening. I called DH and told him to get his butt home from work. Driving in the rain isn't fun for him.

Keeping a close eye on Lucy...she's really got a good udder going on and her ligaments are low...not really soft, but low. I still think she'll hold out until late this month, but she's in the window to go within the next few days if she was bred a cycle earlier than I think she was. And this is what I get for having no breeding dates. This was back when Dusty was getting out of his pen and putting himself back up around feeding time, lol. Silly goat....or maybe Smart goat? But that would mean the does were cycling in July... eh... who knows?

EDIT: Rechecked my notes - Lucy was not in the pasture when Dusty was escaping - she was in the front pen with Conan! Looks like the first babies of this kidding season will be little Kiko/Kinder crosses!
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Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
This means that she MAY still be due sooner than later, just by Conan? Well -- we must all wait to see :)

You are waiting kids soon, Bay is waiting on lambs any hour, I'm just waiting on pics :clap Nothing here until early March. :idunno

Guess I can relax. :lol:


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
It's nasty out this morning... Temp is not that bad...low 50's...but windy, wet and just yucky! It's almost 9 and I haven't been out yet. Just finishing off my second cuppa and about to go suit up and get to it.

I'm having guilty thoughts about the horses. They are on the neighbor's side of the pasture and don't want to come through the muddy gap to come home. The gap is so wallowed out that the only thing that will cross it is the pigs....and the smaller pigs have to swim. I know it's belly deep on the little horses. I'm actually kinda glad that they're not coming through there because there is a pallet at the bottom of the muck that I'm afraid they'll get their feet stuck in. It's been wet there for so long that I don't even know if the pallet is still intact or may have been broken up by pigs and/or horses walking on it before it got so deep.

Soooo, that's a long winded way of saying that I'm considering cutting the fence in another area so that the horses can get back to this side and actually have a chance at some shelter. But, the other problem is that Cowboy doesn't want the horses in "his goat's" barn. I have the barn separated with an area that the horses (and pigs) can get into without being able to access the hay that's out for the goats. But Cowboy doesn't want them even near the goats. The last time they came to the barn he chased them all the way back to the other side of the pasture. Me and Cowboy are gonna have to have a talk!

On the countdown to our winter break from work... YAY!!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Finally forced myself to get outside. I bundled up from head to toe and braved the elements only to find out that I was overdressed lol. It just looks 20 degrees outside.

I went ahead and cut a new gap for the horses - and as soon as they saw an opening they ducked through. I guess they've felt isolated on the other side. I took a 1 x 6 and tacked it up between the two posts to give them support. In this mud I was afraid that if I cut the fence that the two posts on either side of the cut would just give up and lay over. The board will give them support so that won't happen and the horses can walk right under it. I tried to find the highest ground that I could (there is none) and ended up picking a spot in between two trees. My hope is that the roots will give the ground more stability there? I dunno if it'll help - but that's my story!

Cowboy immediately had his hackles up and headed straight to the horses but I intercepted him and we had our talk. When he looked at the horses with death in his eyes I scolded him. When he calmed down I praised him. We walked (slopped) around after them for awhile until (I hope) he got over it. I guess I'll know more when I feed this evening.

Lucy's udder grew some more overnight and her attitude has gotten totally bitchy so I'm gonna be keeping a close eye on her. If she delivers now I don't have any idea of the baby daddy, lol. I didn't keep notes back in July. But, I'm still holding out hope that she lasts another 3 weeks and they'll be Conan babies.
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Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
The rain you guys are getting is coming my way...apparently meeting friends along the way & dragging them too. Cold from North slid into TX -- aha! SNOW & flooding, again! Tomorrow & Monday we will be hit. Of course, I'm in the "line" of rain or winter crap...:( 28 this morning at 6AM. Seems, no matter what they call it, it's going to be a little solid. I mean, I had 1/2" of ice on several water tubs. It's cold out there! We did get to 43 today :rolleyes:

Once this passes, "they" say we will be in the 60's late week. :idunno

Seems you get a few more days of it, too. Can't win. :hugs

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