Sustainability Master
Born in 55. 

You win lol! But, what's in a number? It's all in how you feel! (and some days I feel every minute of it) But not today. Got plans to keep re-arranging critters. I don't know how anybody builds anything permanent - I'm always changing things up. Someday I might have to actually break down and buy some new supplies. My scrounging pile is getting smaller and smaller.
Need to clean out both barns.... I'm really wishing that my awesome teenage helpers from a few years back hadn't grown up and moved away. I need some $h_t shovelers right now! I'd like to haul a significant amount up to the garden areas. It's magical's well broken down and ready for it's second job in the garden. It's pretty amazing if ya think about it. We have these animals that we love and enjoy, we feed them well, they crap, their crap helps to feed us well, and then sometimes the animals themselves make us a meal too. I love the circle of life!
If I didn't have animals and a garden, I'd be the biggest couch slug in the world!I started my chicken flock "this time around" most specifically for the manure, weed and insect control. The eggs and meat are a wonderful "add on" benefit. Then, there's the exercise. Having a flock and garden keeps me moving.
Whoop - I'm excited! I'm thinking a glass of wine and a good soak will be great!