They're actually much cuter today then their little scrawny selves were yesterday! However, they've got a tiny little problem. Mama's bag is really congested and her teats blew UP... okay, they're pretty swollen. I've been massaging her udder, putting on warm compresses and trying to milk her. Did it last night, this morning, came home at lunch and did it, and as soon as I got home from work. I'll do it again before bed...sigh. I guess the only good thing about it is that Spooky is getting trained to the milk stand a lot faster than I thought she would.
She's not great yet, in fact she kicked me in the thumb today and I thought it came unhinged! I wanted to smack her, but that's not the best way to keep her calm. Her bag was much softer this afternon, so I'm hoping we're just about past this hurdle.
I've got two more that were bred the same day as Spooky, so they should be delivering any minute now - or at least within the next few days.
I see them trying to nurse, and I even see a little milk on their mouths, but they're not getting enough to be totally satisfied. They can barely get their mouths around the teat and it's really hard work for them so they don't try for very long.
The other concern was to be sure they get enough colostrum, so I'm supplementing them with what I can get out of Spooky. I'm deliberately not giving them as much as they'd like to take because while I want them to be nourished, they need to be hungry enough to try and nurse frequently.
Spooky's udder was still congested this morning, but not as much as before. I went home at lunch and checked on the little family and the babies don't seem as hungry as they have been. And, her udder seems softer so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Checked on the other two goats that should be due this week ... not yet...
Sold eggs this morning for a whopping $150 dollars! yee haw! I need to start collecting some for a hatch for myself. After the dog disaster I don't have the replacements that I wanted. I've already got the small incubator going with my Jubilee orpington eggs in it. I'm really trying not to get tooooooooo excited about them - but who am I kidding, lol!
Can't believe it's only Tuesday... guess that's what happens when I worked six days last week. And, I'm working 6 days this week too. Best thing about that is I get time and a half comp time. No extra money, but extra days off - that's what I need most anyway. I work two days and get three days off - woo hoo! We've got Memorial day holiday coming up, so I'm considering takeing the whole stinking week off then. I looooove it!
Hope I get some sleep tonight. I've got two does in kidding pens, but really, really hoping they wait until tomorrow. I'm gonna go get some sleep now...just in case!