Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I have soaked it - and I probably will do it again. It does feel much better, so the antibiotics are working.

I picked up my new buckling today. Some friends were looking for a show doe last year, so I told them they could take one of my nicer doelings and just give me a baby buck when they got one. They have a lot of really nice bucks so I have high hopes for him. And, since I'm a believer in line-breeding, it helps that he goes back to my herd several generations back. His head and front end look pretty good, but I'm a tiny bit worried about his back legs. He's got plenty of angulation from the side (which I need in my herd right now) but he's a little cow-hocked. BUT, my does are straight and wide in the rear so I'm not terribly worried.

We've had rain for several days, so the lawn and garden are really happy... and so are the mosquitos...ugh. :( I hate mosquitos almost as much as I hate stink bugs!

Gotta start gettig things ready for our weekend away. We've got a family reunion about 6 hours away... I probably wouldn't have gone except that my dad really wants to go and he doesn't drive any more. Guess this will be his father's day present, lol! I'd do anything for him -he's been a wonderful dad and I know his remaining time is limited. I'm looking forward to spending the weekend with him.


Jun 27, 2011
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So glad you had your foot taken care of quickly! We have been having some good rains too but I think they are over for now. Have a good time with your dad!!!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks so much. I really hope dad is up to this trip. He and his twin brother are the patriarchs, and last siblings, from their immediate family. For that reason, we have decided to especially honor them at the reunion.... and also because it's Father's day. He gets tired easily and naps frequently, but I think that's to be expected. He's nearly 85 and for the most part still does a lot of stuff around the house. He even still mows his yard with a walk-behind mower. It might take him a while longer, but he's too stubborn to stop.

I went out this morning to do my early chores and found that Lil Bit was out in the pasture instead of up with her kids. She had slipped out last night when I was feeding and I forgot to let her back in. My bad! Soooo, I took that opportunity to put her on the milk stand. I'd been afraid she wasn't going to be much of a producer (and she'll never live up to Red) but I did get a good quart out of her without stripping her out. I needed to leave some for her kids - they were hungry and a little upset that mom had abandoned them overnight, lol.

Guineas - we have baby guineas! A friend gave me some eggs and I had a broody hen - good timing, huh? Well, before it was all over I had 3 broodies in one pen and they've been sharing the guinea eggs. I think there were 9 eggs - not really sure though. But last night I know we had at least 2 babies. I'll check them out this evening. I've only had guineas once before - probably 20 years ago and they all committed suicide by jumping into the neighbors yard. I hope these, having been hatched on my place and being raised by hens that don't jump the fence, will survive and stay around.


Jun 27, 2011
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I see to my friend, Annabelle, every day. She is 87 and still gets around fairly well but needs a little help. She still likes to bake and clean. She won't slow down either. I think it's a good thing!

I love guineas! The way they stick together and sound the alarm for other animals!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Well, we have 4 baby guineas... hope they make it!

We're leaving for the family reunion tomorrow morning. It's going to be a looooooooooong weekend...sigh. But, I intend to have fun and enjoy my time with my dad - no matter what.

My daughter moved from San Antonio to the Dallas area today. Soooo, since the reunion is in north Texas - we're going to work in a visit to her also. She's so excited. She actually rented a house - sight unseen. She called me when she got there and said "mom, you're gonna love this place!" "Why" I asked? She says there is a garden area that still has vegetables growing in it. There are grape vines, blackberry bushes, an apple tree, a fig tree, a peach or nectarine tree and another tree she couldn't identify. She sent me a pic and it's a pomegranete tree. They allll have fruit! I think I might be just a little bit jealous, lol. I can grow figs, blackberries and citrus - but we don't usally have enough chilling hours to grow a lot of stone fruits here. So, I'll just time my visits at picking time.

Goat kids are growing like little weeds. Hard to believe that they're over a month old now. I'm gonna have to start watching those little boys... they are very precocious!

Garden hit a lull for awhile, but bush green beas are starting up again and the yard-long beans - OMG. They keep going and going and going. They have earned a permanent spot on my garden roster.

Still have lots to do...need to do some laundryand pack and get makeup and toiletries together... sigh...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Sounds like a good time to visit. :lol:


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Whew.... home... finally!

It was a good weekend, but tiring. Left here friday morning about 10:30 and got to our destination about 6:30... OMG! Between my 84 year old dad, myself and my DH we stopped 3 times for potty breaks and another time for lunch. I thought we'd NEVER get there. Spent Friday night in a hotel and got to the family reunion late saturday morning. Saw folks that I hadn't seen in 40 years. Wow! It was nice and I was so glad my dad had that experience. My dad is a twin so we celebrated his and his bro's upcoming b'day. Must have been about 60 folks there. Highlight of the day was the lightening show. Rained for a couple hours so most of us 60 folks were gathered on the back porch. Made for great conversation, lol.

We left the reuion late saturday afternoon and drove to my daughter's new house. She's not totally moved in, but the beds were set up. We spent the night there. t was the most time my father has ever spent with my grandchildren. It was so nice, but kinda sad at the time knowing that their opportuities to be together will be limited. My dad is in pretty good health, but he's getting so old.... His twin brother is having a heart valve replacement in a couple weeks. Over the years their health issues have pretty well mirrored each others - but dad's heart seems to be stronger. His brother smoked deacades longer than my dad did.

Got home and found a dead chicken... no reason that I coud see - but dead and oh so stinky...ugh. Other than that small tragedy everything was great. Plenty of water left in every pen and food in ost of them. The goats had eaten everything that I left out for them, except for a little grass hay. They had totally cleaned up their feed and alfalfa pellets. There were lots of eggs to be picked up though. We were supposed to be saving eggs from the Orps to hatch for a lady. There were 13 eggs in the nest and guess how many DH broke on the way into the house???? More than half of 'em, lol. Oh well - there'll be more tomorrow!

OH, OH, OH - the contractor ws here while we were gone! I came home to a covered back porch - woo hoo! It's ot finished out undereath, but the frame is up and the sheet metal is installed. He's still go tot insulate it and finish it out uderneath. It's awesome and totally changes the entire character of the house. It's like the house has been waiting for this for decades. I loooove it!

Tired now...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'd be tired too! And, you're dad is just a little older than mine. My dad turns 84 the end of next month. But so far, no great grand kids. The only one of the grand kids to be married is my sister's son, and we're not sure if his wife can have any.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I swear it must be crazy goat day! I've been milking the gals sporadically. Don't have to keep a schedule since they're still with their kiddos.... Spooky, who has been doing pretty well on the stand, totally lost her mind tonight.

I put the lactating does out to pasture before work this morning. They were quite full when I brought them in. Spooky hopped right on the milk stand and stood for the first minute or so.... then she started dancing... then she started kicking... then she kicked the bucket that had at least a quart of milk and it went all over me. Deep breath.... don't over react..... put the bucket back under her and she started dancing again. The milk stand was wet by then and she slipped a little. She didn't like that so that gave me an idea....

The next time she kicked - I just pushed her rear end and it went sliding over the wet stand. She did it again - I pushed her again. She laid down - I took her feed away. She got up and tried her dance move one more time. I shoved her again and from that moment on she kept her feet planted on that milk stand. She stood perfectly until I finished.

Cocoa - same thing just not quite as drastic. But, after her little attitude adjustment - she was a perfect lady on the stand. Red is always good and tonight was no exception. Lil Bit is usually a dancer, but the gossip must have got to her - she never even twitched....

I only got 13 eggs today.... harumph! I was getting 30 plus for awhile there... Must be the heat and the 8, yes- count them EIGHT, broodies. I want eggs more than I want chicks so I guess I will need to take drastic action. I've been selling 2 or 3 dozen eggs a week so the gals better not start letting me down!

Work is crazy busy now and it won't change for the next 4 weeks... after that I may take some vacation time. Yep, sounds like a idea! :)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I recovered from my milk bath, lol. I haven't milked since then, but the girls have been very well behaved lately. The babies on the other hand are really becoming big ol' brats! They want to jump all over anybody who walks in their area, they chew on you, they jump in your lap if you sit down... But, its better than crazy wild goats who run away when you look at 'em. There are 8 babies, and 5 of them are really friendly - the other three - not so much. They'll come up and jump and chew - but they really don't want you to reach out and touch them.

The guys are here finishing up the back porch. They've installed the insulation and are now installing the corrugated tin underneath. I started out wanting to put bead-board under for a nice finished look.... but after seeing another porch done with the tin, it just spoke to me! Plus, it's cheaper and easier to install ( so I'll get a price break) and it doesn't need to be sealed or painted and will probably last much longer than the wood would have. If it gets some surface rust eventually - it'll just add 'character'. I'm anxious for it to be finished so I can get some nice patio furniture under there.

I need to do some clean up in the little garden. I think I may try a second planting of some beans and okra and then get it ready for fall. I've been shelling beans and peas that I set back for next year's seeds. I spent so much money on seeds that I want to be really careful about saving them for next year. Thankfully I've gotten away from almost all hybrid plants.

Better get busy before it gets any hotter out there... supposed to hit 97ish with a heat index in the triple digits....ugh!