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- #851
Sustainability Master
I have soaked it - and I probably will do it again. It does feel much better, so the antibiotics are working.
I picked up my new buckling today. Some friends were looking for a show doe last year, so I told them they could take one of my nicer doelings and just give me a baby buck when they got one. They have a lot of really nice bucks so I have high hopes for him. And, since I'm a believer in line-breeding, it helps that he goes back to my herd several generations back. His head and front end look pretty good, but I'm a tiny bit worried about his back legs. He's got plenty of angulation from the side (which I need in my herd right now) but he's a little cow-hocked. BUT, my does are straight and wide in the rear so I'm not terribly worried.
We've had rain for several days, so the lawn and garden are really happy... and so are the mosquitos...ugh.
I hate mosquitos almost as much as I hate stink bugs!
Gotta start gettig things ready for our weekend away. We've got a family reunion about 6 hours away... I probably wouldn't have gone except that my dad really wants to go and he doesn't drive any more. Guess this will be his father's day present, lol! I'd do anything for him -he's been a wonderful dad and I know his remaining time is limited. I'm looking forward to spending the weekend with him.
I picked up my new buckling today. Some friends were looking for a show doe last year, so I told them they could take one of my nicer doelings and just give me a baby buck when they got one. They have a lot of really nice bucks so I have high hopes for him. And, since I'm a believer in line-breeding, it helps that he goes back to my herd several generations back. His head and front end look pretty good, but I'm a tiny bit worried about his back legs. He's got plenty of angulation from the side (which I need in my herd right now) but he's a little cow-hocked. BUT, my does are straight and wide in the rear so I'm not terribly worried.
We've had rain for several days, so the lawn and garden are really happy... and so are the mosquitos...ugh.
Gotta start gettig things ready for our weekend away. We've got a family reunion about 6 hours away... I probably wouldn't have gone except that my dad really wants to go and he doesn't drive any more. Guess this will be his father's day present, lol! I'd do anything for him -he's been a wonderful dad and I know his remaining time is limited. I'm looking forward to spending the weekend with him.