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- #861
Sustainability Master
It's too stinkin hot to do much of anything ourside.... I go out early and I go out late. Does't give me a lot of extra time, but I'm managing to get stuff done, slowly.
We had a brilliant idea today to buy one of those walk behind string/brush trimmers. Went to Tractor Supply and loaded one up, brought it home and absolutely hated it! I can't start it - my arms are too short I guess. I can't get the string pulled all the way out. DH started it for me and I managed to cut down my persimmon twig... I've been babying that persimmon twig for two years now and it was looking great....and I guess I killed it
... poor little twig/tree. So... the string trimmer got loaded back up and taken right back to Tractor Supply.
I picked my first tomatoes today! Whoo hooo! They're not perfect - they still show evidece of stink bugs, even though they're covered up as tightly as I can get 'em. But, at least I'm getting some with just a little damage. If they were't covered I would be tossing all of 'em. I hate stink bugs.
Still picking a few green beans and some limas. Okra is starting to come in and I saw a few good size melons starting too. I hate to even say this - but we could use a little rain.
I need to start the incubator back up. I have a lady who wants 20 Orpington chicks from me. At $5 apiece that'll buy some feed.
Speaking of buying - we ordered 3 outdoor ceiling fans for the back porch today. Money, money, money.... AND, we still need to get the light kits to go on them... mo' money. And, then I need to get some patio furniture... it never ends. On top of all that, I still need a new push mower. Hope DH gts a good bonus this month.
We had a brilliant idea today to buy one of those walk behind string/brush trimmers. Went to Tractor Supply and loaded one up, brought it home and absolutely hated it! I can't start it - my arms are too short I guess. I can't get the string pulled all the way out. DH started it for me and I managed to cut down my persimmon twig... I've been babying that persimmon twig for two years now and it was looking great....and I guess I killed it
I picked my first tomatoes today! Whoo hooo! They're not perfect - they still show evidece of stink bugs, even though they're covered up as tightly as I can get 'em. But, at least I'm getting some with just a little damage. If they were't covered I would be tossing all of 'em. I hate stink bugs.
Still picking a few green beans and some limas. Okra is starting to come in and I saw a few good size melons starting too. I hate to even say this - but we could use a little rain.
I need to start the incubator back up. I have a lady who wants 20 Orpington chicks from me. At $5 apiece that'll buy some feed.
Speaking of buying - we ordered 3 outdoor ceiling fans for the back porch today. Money, money, money.... AND, we still need to get the light kits to go on them... mo' money. And, then I need to get some patio furniture... it never ends. On top of all that, I still need a new push mower. Hope DH gts a good bonus this month.