Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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WOW - your DH is lucky! I woulda needed more than a new cup of coffee - I would probably have needed a change of clothes, lol.

I really should have been more of a witch a few years back when we got a direct hit from Hurricane Ike. I could have used a new roof then, but the insurance compay only paid for some roof repairs. They wouldn't spring for a whole new roof - ugh. Cheapskates! My neighbors tree went through the roof of my feed room, but my portable building flew over the fence and took out their portable building..then it disappeared forever. At least we think that's what happened... we never found one piece of that building and it was a commercial steel buildig that was staked down. Hers was a rubbermaid building just sitting on the ground. Her's stayed, and mine flew away forever, lol. Technically, her insurance shoulda paid for my barn roof, but we just called it even. Mine paid for mine and hers paid for hers....

I spent most of today inside. I cleaned a couple days worth of eggs and boiled some of the older ones. I took figs out of the dehydrator and put a new batch in. Then I cleaned and put about 10 more lbs of figs in the freezer. After I got done with all that I seasoned up some spare ribs and a small pork roast and put 'em in the pit smoker. They'll be ready about midight, lol. I shoulda started earlier, but it's been a crazy busy day.

DH painted the old antique ice box and we're gonna do a crackle technique on it. Hope it turns out, cuz neither one of us has ever tried it before. I had a serious talk with him about doing this because it will totally negate any value it had as an antique. He said he would never part with it anyway so he doesn't care what it's 'worth'. He just wants us to get some use out of it instead of it just taking up room in the garage.

My poor baby bird was attacked last night. His cage was knocked off the trunk where it was sitting on the back porch and the gate came open. When I went out this morning all I found was an empty cage. A couple hours later the baby bird found me. He was hiding n a shrub in the back yard and when I walked by he practically scared me to death. He hopped up on a branch and did his 'hungry' cry. But, he's injured. I don't know what's wrong with him. I can't really find any wounds, but there's a spot on his chest where the feathers are askew... no external wound but I don't know whats going on inside of him. He ate when I first found him, but he hasn't eaten the rest of the day. I've been giving him some sugar water to try and keep his energy up. He's holding his own, but I'm worried about him... he needs to eat!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Poor little guy. Hope he makes it.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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He's still here! He was awake and begging for food this morning. I have higher hopes for him now. Poor little feller. Earlier in the week I had decided that today would be the day I would start project 'bird freedom.' I was going to move his cage into a shady area in the garden and acclimate him to that area for a day or so before starting to leave the cage door open. I think I'll put that off for a few days now... sigh...

We're supposed to get rain today! Woo hoo - but I'll believe it when I see/feel it. We neeeeeeeeeeed it - pasture is dry, dry, dry and the pond is low, low, low! We're supposed to get several inches. Stay tuned!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Dadgum it! Went out and found my Black Orp, my very best roo, dead this morning. Absolutely no idea what happened to him. He was fine at dusk last night and dead this morning. Hens in the pen were fine... gee whiz. So, I'll be saving eggs for while to try and get a replacement for him. I've already got about 40 Orp eggs in the incubator, but 20 of them are pre-sold. I'll be hatching every single Orp egg for while. They and my Coronation Sussex are my best sellers.

Tried to make some ice cream lst night and it looks like my Cuisinart hs bit the dust. Well, not exactly... the moto still runs fine and turns the freezer compartment. But, it does't freeze the milk/cream. Guess for whtever reason, the little freezy thingy is not getting cold eough or staying cold enough, even though it lives in the freezer. When it was new it would freeze ice cream in about 15 - 20 minutes. DH got online and found a replcemement... but gee whiz... almost $50 bucks. :(

We've (well mostly DH) have been antique-ing the antique icebox today. The crackle technique is working and it looks pretty awesome. I think it will be the crowning touch on the back porch.

Our major rain has NOT materialized today. We've had a couple of really ight showers....ground is not really even wet. But, maybe more tonight and tomorrow. :fl

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Glad your little guy is doing better. Hope he'll be fine now.

Sorry about your rooster. That really stinks. :hugs Hope you get the rain you need as well.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks, Deb! The rain did not materialize, but we've still got a few more chances this week... A couple tiny drizzles was the best we got.

Little bird is constantly hungry today, so I'm taking that as a really good sign and I've decided that his injury is in his leg. He does not want to stand much, if he's on his perch he won't jump to the bottom of his cage like he usually does and he's just not moving much at all. If he tries to move there is a very obvious lurch on his left leg. No breaks, so I figger he'll heal up and get back to his cantankerous self soon enough.

I have about had it with this 'puter keyboard. The 'n' barely works and now it seems that the 'a' is about to give up the ghost too. If I hit 'em hard enough they might or might not work... and I'm tired of re-typing everything a gazillion times.

So - until further notice if I look like I'm spelling like an illiterate 3 year old - try inserting an a or an n into any word tht does not make sense!


Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I've had those problems as well-they're NEVER fun!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I dunno what's going on, but I had a dead roo on Sunday and another one on Monday. It's been hot - but it was hotter a couple weeks ago. Even though we had lower temps our humidity was higher and I lost my two biggest roos... guess their big ol' selves just culdn't handle it... sigh... I've got a replacemet for the big Coronation Sussex, but I'm gonna have to hatch myself a new Orpington roo. I'm still collecting eggs from the gals and will continue to do so for another week or two.

I'm going out of town tomorrow with 35 high school whackos... uh.. I mean kids, lol. But, seriously, they've been C.R.A.Z.Y this week. so much discontent among kids that normally get along so well. Locked on a bus with them for a four hour ride is NOT my idea of fun - plus staying up most of the night to monitor their sweet little selves... I feel a sleepless night coming on tomorrow... Thankfully, the ride home will be wonderfully quiet. So many of them do NOT sleep on these trips so allllllllllll they do on the way home is zzzzzzzzzzzz! Thank goodness!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Oh what fun that sounds like said nobody ever.....

How did you get roped into that?!?! :lol: :hugs


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Lol @ WBF!

Ya know, many years ago (before I started this job) if you asked me if I thought hanging out w/teenagers would be my idea of fun I'da said you're nuts. Weird thing now is that I can actually find some enjoyment in it. We get a new crop of freshmen every summer after our seniors graduate so a trip is a good way to get to know them. Most of them are great kids but we always get one or two little girls who think they wanna be "hoochie mamas", and some little boys who try to be punks. The great thing about this job is watching them grow and mature and start to value themselves enough to leave those former behaviors behind.

So, I'm sitting on the back porch with my coffee while the little mocking bird has his morning physical therapy. I really thought he was just gonna die last week after his injury. I decided last night that he's improved enough to start taking him back outside - and- he loves it! He's perked up quite a bit. He's been doing nothing but laying on his belly in a box since last weekend. His appetite remained through it all, and honestly, that's pretty much the only reason he's still here. DH and i talked several times about putting him down. But right now he's on a tree branch preening himself and I've seen him peck at a few ants and bugs! That's huge cuz it tells me he still has the instinct to feed himself. He has until we leave on vacation to recover. He's well past fledgling age, so soon enough it will be time for him to move on. Do or die I suppose....

I need to get busy before the temps get too high. Lots of things on my list today, ugh!

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