Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I'll tell DH - he is the dish guy! But, I can safely say that he WON'T be ironing anything! I mean, he's good....but not quite THAT good, lol


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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He is a doll! I'll be picking him up Friday - AND - somebody stop me! I'm about to put a deposit on a new doe too. I'm severely reducing the pygmies and will probably sell at least one of the Nubians I have now. Out with the old and in with the new, lol. Actually, I have a very hard time selling animals that I've raised. It's so HARD! I'm trying to be practical though. We love goat milk and all it's uses and this new doe is milking now. Ahem...drum roll please.... BONUS(!) she just delivered QUADS! She's from a pretty well known breeder/shower but didn't quite make the cut for the show string. Not because she not gorgeous and well put together - but because she's smaller than the average Nubian. I'm not that worried about her size, in fact it might be a bonus for the Kinder line I'm working on.

Finished up the latest batch of cheese. It drained for 24 hours and I finely chopped rosemary and mixed it in. It's sitting in the fridge to let the flavors blend for a couple days before we dig in. If I get the new doe I'll be able to make more cheese and I'd like to give soap making a try. At least once...

Garden is coming along. Meaties are growing. We're down from 9 goslings to 3 :(. Quail are doing well - I'm a week or so late in butchering. GOTTA do it this weekend for sure. I might even do a couple of the meaties for some small Cornish hen type meals. That's all I can think of for now ... brain is fried from a huge report we've been completing at work.... Need sleep... (where' the sleepy smiley?)

G'night folks.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Still sleepy - just not enough hours in the day and the only place I can add more hours to my day is to sleep less...ugh. I'm taking Friday off to go pick up the little buck, so maybe that'll give me some extra time.

I've gotta get my trailer back in good hauling shape. It had sat on a flat for so long that the tire had to be replaced. I did that this morning. Ten years ago I bought new tires for it and took ONE trip with them....haven't pulled it since then. So, long story short, I'm replacing tires that have less than 400 miles on them because they sat for so long. I'm hoping that I don't have to do that all the way around - but on the other hand - I'd rather buy new tires than to have a blowout or flat with a trailer full of critters. I'm gonna take the trailer in and have the other two tires checked out. If they're road worthy then at least I've got a new spare.

DH needs to do the same with his motorcycle trailer. It's over 10 years old and is still running on the original tires. I was quite worried when I had to go haul two big bikes on it a couple weeks ago. Scary stuff - we need to do a better job on trailer maintenance. I'm gonna have to go get tags for both of the trailers too... geeze...nobody but myself to blame here for not keeping up with it.

I'm selling eggs right and left these days. I got to thinking about it yesterday and decided that if I'm going to do it year round that I should do a spring hatch so I'llhave some layers to pick up the slack when the older birds go through their fall molt. Ugh...just what I need...something else to take care of! It won't be so bad though because the meaties will be gone by the time the layers hatch.

Better get to work now. Have a great day folks!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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We are horrible about trailer maintenance here too - and always surprised when we go to use one and something is wrong with it! Up here, a few years back, they passed a law that allows you to buy a permanent plate for each trailer for $75 - no more yearly fees. They raked in the cash the first year or so, and now are talking about some type of tweaking, which translates into 'way to suck more money out of our pocket'. Not sure how they plan to do it - how would you get more money from people who purchased a permanent, one payment only (how it was marketed) item? Love those short sighted bureaucrats! :\


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Me too.... I've tried twice now to get new tags. Went there hoping they could look it up with my name, and NOPE. So, the next day I go back with the tag number...guess what? It's not in the system...ARGH! So, I have to start over and re-do all the paperwork and jump through a few of their hoops before I'm legal again. To make matters wore, I always had it registered as a 'farm trailer' and the tags were $5 a year. NOW you have to have an ag exemption card to do that and I don't have the minimum 5 acres to qualify for an ag exemption even though I'm a farm...I take farm exemptions on my taxes...and fill out an agriculture survey every year. Stoopid gooberment...

But, in better news! I got my new buckling today. Drove a grand total of 8+ hours round body still feels like it's on the road. He is the cutest thing and OMG he's huge for 8 weeks. I took a giant size dog crate - the one that fits great danes and he filled it UP! He is 8 weeks old and is as big as some of her 4 month old kids.

It was a good trip for the new truck. I rolled over 3k miles now. There was one thing though that gave me a bit of pause... I was passing a couple of cars and pretty much had the pedal to the metal... needed to get around those dang cars when a big ol F350 pulled out of a store and headed right toward me. So, being the brave country girl that I am I punched it a little harder! I hit about 95 and there was a 'stutter' in the power. Not a good time for that to happen. The other truck jumped on the shoulder (he shoulda never pulled out in the first place) and I was never in much danger.....BUTT.... when I punch it and expect it to keep going - it should keep going. Now, don't get me wrong.... when punched it will dang near jump right out from under me...but when I hit a sustained high speed that it did the weird thing. Sooooooo,,, a little later when I was on a desolate back road I tried it out again. Sure enough when I hit 95mph it did it again - but this time I was paying more attention and it kinda felt like it shifted gears...not down shifted...but like it shifted into a higher gear... I dunno... it was just weird. May call the service dept Monday and see if they have an explanation....

So, I have my new buckling and tomorrow I'm going to pick up my new doe! I am soooo excited! She had quads a few weeks ago, but they pulled them and kept milking her so I'm getting her in milk! It'll come in handy for bottle feeding the buckling for a couple more weeks - then all that milk is mine!! I want to try some different cheeses and maybe even soap. That oughta be fun! In a few more weeks my job will go to a 4 day work week for the summer. Yippee - 3 day weekends until mid-August. Maybe I can start to get caught up then.

I'm tired, but my friend C (my former student) is coming over tomorrow afternoon to help out. I've got so many things for him to do I'm afraid one afternoon is not gonna be enough. Oh well.... he needs more money, and I need more help - so it'll all work out.