Sustainability Master
Whew... just got finished filing my tax protest. What a PIA. They're trying to tell me my house is worth 77K more than it was last year. What is wrong with these people? Haven't they ever heard of depreciation, lol!
I took a bunch of pictures, neighbors wonky fence, neighbors junk pile, hole in the barn door, my crumbling pump house...all those things that you're always gonna getaroundto...but haven't yet. Kinda glad we haven't if it helps to lower the ridiculous tax appraisal.
Picked more Purple Dove beans,
i'm not sure if you've said somewhere else yet or not if you've eaten any fresh steamed or not and what you thought of them?
picked 2 golden zucchini's that somehow hid for a couple days, got another trellis up. Have fence posts in the ground for a couple more trellises. And - I've got squash borers. ARGH!I don't use chemicals so I wonder if it would help to put some ducks in the garden? I've got some small ones that aren't really big enough to trample anything. I dunno... I'm not ready to lose my Jumbo Banana Squash bush/vines when they've just started blooming. Always something...
can you bury some vine nodes with some dirt to encourage them to root from those nodes instead? often the vining squashes can survive a lot of damage. i've had some vines that have held on even with bare threads of the first stem still functioning because they've rooted out elsewhere.