Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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OH my GOSH I am so mad right now! Today we had an appt with a new pain specialist doc. We took the CD of the MRI and the written radiologist report from two years ago. New doc looks at the radiologists typed up report and is like....hmmmm. This doesn't explain why you've got so much pain and sciatica running all the way down your leg. He pops in the CD and starts looking at the MRI itself. He looks at it...looks back at the printed report...looks at the CD again and says - "I'm so sorry." What? He goes on to tell us that Mark has a bulging disc in his back that the original radiologist missed. Totally missed. He showed it to us and it was as obvious as the nose on my face!

So, first - the original radiologist missed it. Second - The ortho doc here in town, who probably only read the report and may not have looked at the CD, also missed it. Third - The first pain specialist doc that we went to over a year ago missed it also. In fact, he told us that DH's scan didn't look any worse than any other man his age. HUH? He actually made us feel pretty stupid for even coming in. Two years he's been dealing with this pain and all because of a blind radiologist and lazy doctors.

I LOVE this guy we saw today. He must've spent 40-45 minutes with us going over the MRI scan and pointing out everything! Then he showed us a spine model and explained it all again. He was really nice and couldn't apologize enough for what we've been going through for so long. He's ordered a new MRI. He says there is a slight possibility that the body might have absorbed the bulging disc material - but not likely with the continued pain. Or the nerve is just shot. Depending on the MRI he may send us to a neurosurgeon. Not an orthopedist - but a neurosurgeon.

Love this new guy and hope for better things in DH's future!
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Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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We are into the boring days of summer... With no garden to speak of this year, I don't have much to report on, lol.

I gave the dehydrator a good wipe down yesterday and filled it with some red, orange and green bell peppers. I've been sporadically working on finishing the pantry reorganization. Worked on my dry bean section yesterday. It's nice to be able to know where everything is, lol. No more digging for things that don't exist - AND - no more picking up random things at the grocery store because I don't know if I have it at home. YAY!

Wormed a few goats a couple days ago. Time to start thinking about getting the gals back in shape for fall breeding. Still have a few to be weaned. I need to get that done - preferably by selling some of the remaining doelings.

Recently, in an attempt to save some pennies, I changed up the feed mix. That was a horrible idea. In just a couple of weeks my goats have definitely declined in condition. I picked up some of their old feed and will work it back into the mix today.

Grands are coming Monday. Grandson is now a licensed driver and he'll be driving himself and his sister here. YIKES! That's scary to me, but he's a wonderfully responsible and level headed kid and I know he'll do great. He's been driving for a couple of years - but now he's finally legal, lol! They'll be getting here just in time for the really hot weather to set in. Heat index of 111 is expected on Monday. Wouldn't be too bad if we hid in the A/C all day, but I know these guys are going to want to fish! We'll be doing early morning or late evening fishing. Even the fish don't wanna come out to play in the middle of the day heat.

Speaking of heat I need to get outside and unload a truck full of grain and get the critters fed.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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did the beans fry?
I don't think so - we've had plenty of rain. Last time I walked over there I had blooms! I think I'll get a tiny harvest if I can find them in the mass of weeds. Thank goodness for those colorful pods, lol. Whatever I get I'll probably just save the seeds in hopes I can have a garden again next year.

Not a bad day all around, but I. AM. EXHAUSTED!

Got 14 big round bales today and going back for at least 7 more tomorrow. I used 18 this past year but have been peeling it off and hand feeding it for a couple months. I don't enjoy that at all. I'd like to get at least 24, but I may get the rest late summer or fall. Hopefully I'll have enough this year, especially because my numbers are going down. I sold two more adult does today. I'm down a total of 7 adults. Planning on keeping3 doelings and a buckling - so that's still an overall drop in numbjers. Still have 5 doelings to sell though. Haven't even listed them yet. Grands are coming Monday so I'll probably list 'em after they go back home.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Whoa!! That's a lot of hay to handle. But glad you were able to find enough. Yr to yr we're at the mercy of weather. 🥴 And it's scary sometimes.

I went without a garden last year -- survived it 🫤. You have been thru a lot, then &'ll level out. Just hang in there. Hey -- I got my garden back, so will you 🫂👍🥰 no biggie, just something we expect of ourselves and can enjoy.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Whew! Got another 7 bales this morning. Got 'em unloaded, but not all of 'em are parked where they need to be. Put one out for the critters and they are quite appreciative. Going to wait until it cools off a bit before I finish. We're under a heat advisory right now - the first of many to come I'm sure.

Grands will be here tomorrow! Yippie!

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