Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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@Medicine Woman - I'm sure you're right and some epi probably coulda saved her.-

DS came over yesterday to show us the truck he just bought. He's such a sentimental person, lol. (Totally unlike me.) He bought a truck almost just like the first truck he ever had. Same color and everything. It's a clunker, and he's going to restore it. I shouldn't talk bad about it because it's a '83 and everything works on it including the AC. Pretty good for a truck that's over 40 years old! Definitely gotta have AC in this part of the world.

My goodness - I don't ever want to hatch this many quail at one time again. They make a huge mess! It stinks! I noticed that some of 'em were looking kinda puny and I think it's an air quality problem. I left the garage door open and put some wire on top of the brooder (so I could leave the top open) and cleaned it out. I moved some of the better feathered ones outside with a heat lamp on 'em. I felt like I needed to get some of them separated or they're all going to start dying. Can't have that.

Appointment today with the Neurosurgeon was enlightening and not in a good way. DH got another adjustment to open the shunt one more level. However, it turns out this is the last adjustment he'll give him. He says if you open the shunt up too much it can lead to subdural problems. He didn't really elaborate but he's said previously that you can't take too much fluid out or you'll cause more problems. So, this adjustment better do the trick. It's actually kind of depressing to think we've reached the end of the line for what they can do for him. Hopefully, this adjustment works well and lasts forever!
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Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
PT is coming today and my house is a mess. The floors are atrocious - don't think I've swept or vacuumed in days now. Amazon boxes everywhere, lol. Lately, I've been spending all my time taking care of critters and driving DH around. At least going to his appts gives me a break from work, lol. We went to breakfast after his appt. yesterday. This morning DH pointed out that we both forgot our anniversary on the 15th. :old At that point, we decided that the breakfast out on Monday was our celebration.

Neighbor's chickens have decided they live at my house. Wouldn't normally mind at all except they've decided to roost on the fender of the livestock trailer. I'm sure chicken poop is not kind to paint. They need to move back home. They've also dug holes in the drive back to the pasture to dust themselves. Not a big deal now - but when I start mowing in the spring I won't be happy about it. Argh!

Been looking at the supposedly pregnant goats. Some are blossoming right on out, and some barely loook pregnant. Even one of the ones that I P-tested came back in heat so I'm beginning not to trust the tests. I don't wanna feed goats all year if they don't give me a ROI. I'm probably over-reacting. Due dates are actually spread out from late January all the way 'til April/May so not surprising that some of them don't look so fluffy, I guess.

More broccoli is ready to cut. Yummy! Pulled a couple radishes and a bunch of weeds. Sugar snaps are blooming. Potatoes need more dirt around 'em. Collards and cabbages are doing what they do. I like fall/winter gardening.