Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Had a total of 3 inches of rain in the 24 hour period.

Got a few things done today after the rain stopped this morning. Had to put together a creep feed area for the baby goats. It's done. Now they need to learn to use it, lol. A couple of them like going in there just because it's a nice quiet place they can relax without worrying about getting stepped on by a bigger goat. That's okay too.

Still need to do another creep feeder in the smaller barn where a couple of the does/kids have ended up. One of the boers has horns and is dumb. Twice she got her head stuck in the big hay feeder - so she got moved back to the front barnyard where hay goes in racks. Moved one of the myotonic does and kid with her. Going to move the other Myo doe up there also - soon. "Soon" is as soon as I feel like doing it. Might be tomorrow - might be next week. I'd like to keep the smaller babies and mothers separated so they don't get bullied away from feed.

Also caught every one of those little buggers and administered their first dose of Toltrazuril (coccidia preventative/treatment med). Good stuff and in this mucky, muddy, gross weather coccidia can/will flourish. They'll get another dose in another few weeks. I generally give them a starter dose and then re-dose every three weeks until they're beyond weaning...usually around 12 weeks.

Saw a couple of 'em scratching. Checked 'em and didn't see any little buggies on 'em, but I'll dust the barns again. Did it before they were born but need to repeat it. Can't have them itching instead of eating. I've got high expectations for this batch of babies so I have to do my part to give them what they need to grow and develop.

Gonna sit a minute and then start dinner. Shrimp tonight - yum!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Worn out, whooped, stick a fork in me - I'm done.

Started the day pulling down old stock panels. Why? Because I'm putting up a new fence and I want to use old panels. Makes sense, right? The next section of fence that's going up is between me and my not so fun neighbors. My great, wonderful neighbors are actually doing most of the work for the not so fun neighbors. (it's complicated)

The place we're putting the fence up is alongside the small barn and gets nearly zero animal pressure and can't even be seen from most of the property. So, why not use old funky stuff there? I ordered a bunch of new panels and new fence posts from TSC and had 'em delivered the other day. I want to use the fancy new panels on a different area that is alongside the driveway to the pasture. My goat buying customers drive by that area every time they come to buy a goat. It looks worn out and crappy, so I'll put the new panels there....after I replace all the posts. Sounds like fun, huh?

Did all the normal feeding - including the pond fish. Weather is warming up so it's time for them to start eating and growing again. I'm looking forward to pulling some nice one's out of there this year. :woot

Had some eggs that needed to be washed and refrigerated so I spent a little time in the kitchen today. Cracked a bunch of quail eggs and froze them. I scramble them up occasionally and mix them with dog food. Dogs love them some eggs!

I conned DH into throwing something into the oven. His culinary masterpiece will be ... parmesan crusted fish sticks! Woo Hoo! I think that calls out for a white wine, lol.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Fencing is a lot of work, but you will be so glad to have it done.
Done? What is this "done" of which you speak? Seems in my world that it's always changing and never ending, lol.

Enjoyed some time with youngest granddaughter yesterday. She lives almost 5 hours away, but she was playing in a soccer game only 45 minutes from here. So, heck yes! She played so well too! Short visit, but was great to see her. She'll be coming in for spring break so in a few weeks we'll get more time with her.

Got caught in a rainstorm while feeding this morning so spent some time sitting on a bucket and letting goats abuse me. The tame babies help the shy ones learn that I'm not a total ogre. I need them to be friendly - makes my life so much easier.

Got a pic or two while in there. Babies are finally figuring out the creep feed area. How's this for some eye candy?
