Almost Self-Reliant
I live to garden and couldn't quit if I tried. My neighbor got on my case for crawling around in the garden when I was 9 mo. pregnant and bombarded me with ol' wives tales. 
My little girl was very "high needs" when she was an infant and wouldn't let me get too far away from her in the garden. There was no putting her in a playpen nearby and trying to do anything--she would scream like I was killing her. My best solution was to call Nana--often! If you don't have that option, my other was to put her on a blanket right next to me and give her a flower or something to play with. (For a really small baby who can't sit up yet, a bouncer works well too, very lightweight and portable). She was never bad about putting things in her mouth, so I don't know if that would work for everyone.
To me, gardening was therapy to ward off postpartum blues and stress (well, for all kinds of stress really). Must...pull...weeds!!!
My little girl was very "high needs" when she was an infant and wouldn't let me get too far away from her in the garden. There was no putting her in a playpen nearby and trying to do anything--she would scream like I was killing her. My best solution was to call Nana--often! If you don't have that option, my other was to put her on a blanket right next to me and give her a flower or something to play with. (For a really small baby who can't sit up yet, a bouncer works well too, very lightweight and portable). She was never bad about putting things in her mouth, so I don't know if that would work for everyone.

To me, gardening was therapy to ward off postpartum blues and stress (well, for all kinds of stress really). Must...pull...weeds!!!