Crazy Cat Lady
I didn't have any rocks around but my first would put pretty much everything in his mouth - fistfuls of grass, dandilions, pine needles, pine cones, clods of dirt, you name it.DrakeMaiden said:I read that the one thing you want to watch out for in the garden is the child picking up rocks and trying to swallow them and/or choking on them. Someone recommended placing the baby on a sheet (or a tarp, as was suggested here) . . . that would help one keep an eye on them, I think.
I did try putting him on a blanket but he would immediately grab handfuls of blanket so that it was runched up so much that its edge was right next to him and go back to eating handfuls of grass and pinecones.
My second OTOH did not want to touch anything yucky and frankly he was generally so cranky if you'd put him down that I did near zero gardening-with-him-sitting-nearby. Only could garden when my husband was watching him. He had to be being held or on a lap the whole time. But, they're only babies once, and I am relieved to report that in recent months (he is now 3 1/2 yrs old) he has started to mostly outgrow the need to be ON you all the time. Which was nice and snuggly but could get to be a bit *much*
So they're all different and you just have to see what works for you. Which you already knew anyhow LOL