The credit card crap is why I just sold the race car to free up cash to pay off my home equity line of credit. I absolutely do NOT want anything "attached" to my home ever again. Mortgage is paid off nd as soon as I pay off that HELOC we're home free!!
It's raining outside and I'm in here laughing my behind off at you all! You all are too funny...from credit cards to depends, to train wrecks and skid marks all on one page of posts!
My secrets I never tell:>) uh hem...but I will tell you all I had a great nap with dh this afternoon:>) Maybe I should have checked his underwear before I let him into bed...
So I put myself all out on the forum to assist a fellow dirty diaper wearer only to find out I have been Flim/flambed?
I retract my statement, I said stripe(s), that would be stripe as in one, and morel we DHs change our underoos as soon as we notice something or before we get in bed for a little :bun
I could tell all of you about how wonderful it is to work for yourself, and how if you wanna do something... like... I dunno, take a nap, you can just do it. I like taking naps with my sweet little English woman in the middle of the day. But not now, only when the kids are at school in the fall/winter/spring.