Get your Credit Cards PAID off A.S.A.P.- NOW

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
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Puget Sound, WA
FarmerJohnson said:
For a long time I did well with having no credit cards, but about five years back I started to use credit cards for growing a business. Had them under control until early this year.

Fortunately I paid off most of my debt and just have a few hundred dollars left to pay on the last one. Looking forward to having no debt once again because it's expensive to maintain a credit card let alone use one.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
ORChick said:
I seem to be in the minority :). DH and I have have 2 CCs, and use them for most of our purchases. But, that said, we always pay off any balance before it is due. Pretty much like others have said, make sure you have the money before you buy, but we just use the CC for the middle step. It helps to keep track of our spending, through the itemized statement; it keeps our money in the bank a little bit longer (though we don't have interest on our checking at our present bank :(); and we aren't limited when we buy on line, or need to rent a car, or things like that. For this to work, of course, discipline is needed. It helps that both DH and I both have always had a horror of debt. We got in trouble with this only once in 30 years, many years ago - luckily only several hundred dollars, and not many thousands - and it took such a while to pay it off that we were scared into never letting it happen again :lol:. Except for this revolving credit, paid off every month, we are debt free.
Yep--us too. No annual fee. Paid off every single month. Earns us a couple free plane tickets every couple years :) I like the monthly statement that lets us quickly and easily see exactly where the money has gone. I could be wrong, but I truly don't believe we spend more just because we're using a credit card. It's just not our mindset. Our way of spending is to buy just what we need and think pretty carefully on the rest.


Power Conserver
Jul 30, 2008
Reaction score
Southwest Missouri
CC's are all about discipline. We got into trouble a few years ago when I lost my job and we are just now recovering from it. We tried to maintain a lifestyle that a jobless family could not afford. It has cost us more than I can even calculate, not just in interest but in not being able to do things or help people because we have such outrageous payments to make.

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