glenolam's madness - April passed away


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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freemotion said:
Well, its about time!! :welcome

If you start picking up ss skills, trust me, you won't go crazy if you cut back to part-time work, and you will eventually be more financially fit for it, too, as you do more and more for yourself. I believe that many families would do better financially on one income than on they do on two. They often don't factor in ALL the costs of working, and the tax savings of doing for need to earn$30-40 in order to have $20 to spend on groceries....or you could stay home and save that and be healthier and happier in the process! Stick around for lots of ideas and inspiration. Buncha nerds here.... :lol:
yep what she said. i dont have to work cuz i do this... and i do this so i dont have to work!


plus all this SS/farmin' stuff is like crack... you keep thinking of everything else you could do. and i dont think any of us are ever bored...there is too much going on all the time.



Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Canterbury, CT
Right now I'm just convincing myself I'm working to pay off some littler debt we have and once that's gone I can make the argument that my "better and more awesome and hardworking" half can support us all. In reality, he could anyway - but we've gotten so "comfortable" with our lifestyle that it is hard to think we would get along fine without the dinners out, stupid HD cable (which I think is absolutely unnecessary, but try explaining that to a Sports Center junkie!), and other odds and ends. So for now I'll suck it up and one of two things are going to happen: A) I'm going to snap & just walk out of my job or B) I'll get pregnant again and just 'decide' I don't want to go back. But THAT'S a different story!!!


Enjoys Recycling
Nov 20, 2010
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Heh. I quit my job about a year after we got married. I kept hoping for kiddos but so far moves, house projects and impending school, and health problems, etc keep putting them off. So I'm a stay at home wanna be mom? Not sure. I do watch a friend's children during the day though. She and I have similar philosophies and she didn't like the child care options in our area which lean towards poptarts and TV. BLECH!

This morning the boys had plain oatmeal with homemade applesauce on top and fresh raw goat milk. Yesterday's lunch was chicken black bean burgers made from scratch. Sometimes it's the ol' peanut butter and jelly routine but we try for a healthier food habits than are available with standardized daycare.

If you can find something else to supplement while you are at home it helps the budget out a lot. I sell vintage jewelry on etsy part time and I watch 2 kids during the week.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Canterbury, CT
I've started selling my goat milk soap, but haven't done any craft fairs or farmer's markets yet to really get a fan base. I hope to change that come spring time. I'd also really like to have an actual working farm, but the darn restrictions here in CT and laws with the IRS are so funky that I'm afraid we'd start taking more deductions only to find out we didn't fit the criteria and have to pay back all the deductions we took.

I have an accounting/bookkeeping background so I'd like to do people's books part-time since that's what I like, it's just making that leap. To many it sounds rediculous that I spent (and am still spending!) tons on college loans only to not use it.

Little steps...little steps.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I've been making soap too. I made my first batch of goats milk soap this last time and I love it! I use a really simple crisco recipe. I'd like to get better at it and sell my goats milk soap. Do you have much market for it? I was hoping to make a little money back on my goats making soap but the cost of the fragrances seems so high I'm not sure I could make very much money that way.

This last batch I made for family use was unscented. What oils do you like to use for your goats milk soap?


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Canterbury, CT
It is a rather expensive hobby, but I've got to say I really really like it. I've gotten into colors, swirls, shapes, making my own recipes...etc. I don't understand SAP values or even put that much thought into it - I just use Soapcalc and make sure the numbers fall within the recommended values and that's that!

I mainly use castor oil, olive oil, palm oil and coconut oil but I have a few bars with shea, acai butter blend and a green tea butter blend. I also made a mocha kitchen bar with some leftover cocoa butter a friend gave me. I haven't tried it yet, but it smells yummy!

There's a market here, but I've yet to really test the waters. I have a website I just made up a few months ago ( and have sold a few bars, but again - I'm not really pressing it as much as I should. Right now I'm concentrating on goat births, cleaning up from this stupid weather and trying to keep my sanity inside the house!

I know of a few people in my area who sell soap so there's "competition" but from what I've seen it's more a relationship than competition! Everyone I've talked to while getting started was so helpful and nice I couldn't wait to jump in.

Come springtime when I'm out of this funk I'll really get going!

BTW - where are you looking to purchase supplies from? I get mine mostly from WSP (Wholesale Supplies Plus) but just scored an awesome deal from someone on another forum who was getting out of the business. For about $20 I got 4 16oz size bottles of different fragrances!

TTs Chicks

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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DrakeMaiden said:
I find that the more I try to do for myself, the more work seems like a waste of time. But the money is nice. :p
me too - except the money is a necessity for now :(


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I got my soapmaking supplies from Brambleberry. They did not have any deals on fragrance like what you mentioned, that is for sure. They really increased the price of the soap.

I have not done colors or swirls or anything yet.....I was going for au natural. We have skin issues and allergies so very few ingredients was my goal. I'd love to see pictures of your pretty soap, though! Are you on that soapmakers thread?