glenolam's madness - April passed away


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Heh, Javamama and I both have dairy goats due to kid around mid can join our kidding watch!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Canterbury, CT
Happy Monday!

Well - Eloise spent the weekend with her boyfriend. She jumped in the F150 with no problems...I actually think she enjoys car rides! The neighbor's house isn't far away and if it were warmer I'd walk her over, but in this frigid ice age there's no way I'd make it.


DH & our son also came - we all got out of the truck and I had Eloise on a leash. As soon as she got out she headed straight towards the barn. The last time she was there they "bunked" in a different area of the yard that has a very small dog-house type shed with a tiny run but since she was staying the weekend they "bunked" up in a stall to be alone. She definitely could smell and sense him because she RAN to him and dragged me right along! I should've worn my snow shoes and ice skates and pretended it was a sled race!

She was very happy to see him and my neighbor said she saw her buck on his tippy toes one time (he's nigerian, she's alpine/nubian) and saw Eloise squat for him another time. HOPEFULLY this'll do the trick!

Fudgie's udder is growing and her belly's dropping. I think she'll kid in the next 2 - 3 weeks. If the ice age melts a little by the weekend I'm going to try shaving her. I've never done it before and I highly doubt she'll be happy about it, but it'll help with the mess and milking afterwards.

My other three girls, Opi (pygmy), Cara and Nilly (Eloise's daughters) may be bred to my teeny tiny nigerian buck but there's no udder development yet - just huge bellies. They could be due as early as mid Feb but I hope they wait just a little bit longer til the frost bite warning ceases.

I have another buck, Duke, who's a nubian. He supposedly came from great milking lines, is pure bred and so on/so forth, but he really took a beating when he came to me for some reason. It's taken 2 rounds of ivomec, Red Cell, B12, masses of minerals and a copper bolus to get his coat to remotely turn black again and poor thing's winter coat is JUST STARTING to come in. I had an old fleece that my son grew out of on him at the start of winter because he wouldn't stop shivering. He's bright, alert, acting normal, pooing/peeing normal it's just his coat & the fact that it's harder than heck to get him to gain any more weight. But slowely he's getting better - I think the copper bolus really helped. He's super super sweet and would rather be with people than the goats. I really hope he turns around because I really want babies from him but if he doesn't improve there's no way I want to continue genes like that.

I went to see my friend's baby goat this weekend - she has several does due and one kidded on the 12th with a single doeling. She told me they were in the last stall in the barn so I went down there to see everyone and I said "You didn't tell me you had two babies" and she replied "I didn't - she only had one" so I said "Well, there's two in there unless I'm going crazy!" Turns out the doe's sister decided that sometime between 9:30 pm and 10:30 am was a good time to go into labor. She had a single buckling w/blue eyes and may be polled (both sisters are polled and the new doeling is too). He was all dried off, stumbling around - I picked him up and put him right in my coat. He was so freaking cute! Sigh...a few more weeks...

Everyone else is going well. Trying to huddle together as best as they can to avoid becoming single popsicles - the double ones are much better tasting anyway!

Finally there's school today. Little son is never happy about going to kindergarten and I just feel a note coming home. He gets happy about going to daycare, but as soon as I confirm that he does have kindergarten he jumps right on the "I hate kindergarten" wagon. We've started explaining that he may need to repeat kindergarten if his teacher feels it will help. He really doesn't like that idea, though. Another sigh.... I just tell him to have a good day and if he gets into a bad mood tell his teacher he needs to go to "his space" and relax. We had a phone number that looked like the school system's number on the caller ID on Friday, but no message.



Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Canterbury, CT
So - since my computer at home is still being fixed I have to get my fixings at work. I'm having problems concentrating on actual work (shhhhhhhhhhhhhh - don't tell my boss!) so I thought I'd post some pics of stuff that I have on image shack. I have a TON on the 'puter, and hopefully I don't loose them all - thankfully I went and saved a lot of them on CDs but the more recent ones haven't yet been saved to CDs so I might loose them :( Time will tell...

Anyway - without further ado:

My house during the "snowmageddon" we had a few weeks ago:


My two dogs in the snow:


My goats looking at the snow like it's the white plague:



What the white plague did to the back of the chicken run:


Ahhhh - sunnier days





Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Great pics!!! Gee, that snowmaggeden looks familiar. I swear, if we get more this weekend my head is going to explode. :barnie


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Canterbury, CT
Either that or our houses will IMPLODE!!!!

On a side note - it was funny to look out our bedroom window and wonder what tracks were there. Turns out there's a really low part in the cow fencing and Bob, the calf in the first "sunny day" picture walked right over it and couldn't figure out how to get back into the cow pasture. He ended up walking up the driveway to the pasture gate and just waited there. I found him when I came home Friday - drove down and all of a sudden stopped the car thinking that just doesn't look right - and realized he was on the outside of the fence!

OK - off of work now. Gotta go pick up the kiddo and hope there's no note in the folder....


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Crossing fingers for no note! Boy, do I know that feeling....
My Thomas walked over the fence on Saturday. I didn't realize how high the snow had piled up in one corner of their pen until he decided he couldn't wait for me to reach the fence with their treats. So he came to me! Boy was he surprised!! We put up extra fence in that spot and that took care of that.
I somehow missed the post about seeing your friend's kids. They sure picked the coldest days possible to be born!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I wanna see a pic of your house w/no snow! It looks like a nice house.

And, I'm hoping we don't get any more snow here, either. I'm as tired of this winter as (most) everyone else is.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Canterbury, CT
Thanks Deb! It is a nice house - and I really lucked out. My husband bought 24 acres from his grandfather before I met him so all we had to do was get a loan to build the house. Got to say it's really helped us out! Of course, now the man wants a garage and a barn - and all I really wanted was a front porch! Oh well - we've been their 6 years now and will most likely put up a carriage barn type garage that's no where near where we park our cars. It'll be for the tractor...imagine that! I did say if that was the case I want a room for soaping/milking and THAT's THAT. :D

There was no note in the back pack, but there was a paper and pamphlet saying little man's been "selected" to participate in the HUGS program. It's designed to help "those with social anxiety, distraction issues and those who generally dislike school" to put it mildly. He'll meet with the social worker for 30 min once a week to do an activity of his choice and she'll work with him on his "issues". I really don't mean to sound crass - but I'm sure you understand it's hard to imagine your child can't just blend in. I guess I'm having a hard time with it. I know he'll do much better with the aid of this program (or at least I hope he will), I've just got to come to terms in my own way. (Disclaimer: I'm not trying to put anyone down if their own children participate in similar programs - I just know that my family in particular thinks that it's my fault he doesn't blend in so the fact that he needs help is something we're not familiar with.)

Had a little talk with the man (DH) this morning. I told him I know he doesn't want to talk about it but I really need help making a temporary wall in the goat barn. Fudgie's really dropping, milk's steadily coming in and I think she'll kid within the next 2-3 weeks. We only have 1 goat barn that's 8x12 so I'd like to split that into 2 and keep the doe who's currently kidding blocked into a 6x8 "stall" and let everyone else have access to the other 6x8 area and outside. After a week I'll remove the wall and let everyone share the barn until the next doe sets up to kid.

But he's been working non stop for 9 days straight and is going to work straight through every day until at least the 4th so it's the farthest thing from his mind and I don't blame him. But he knows that if he doesn't help me I'm going to do it myself and it won't be pretty!!! I sure wish I were more carpenter-enabled like my brother and uncle are!

He did say that maybe we could make an area for Fudgie and the kid(s) in the green tarp shed where we currently store hay, but IMO that's a bad idea b/c it's far from the other goats, she won't be able to see anyone and it'll be a lot harder to construct something in there. We have a friend who's giving us an 8x10 dog kennel in exchange for wood he took this past spring, so my other idea was to set up the kennel in the goat pen and tarp the sides like we did before we built the goat barn. We actually have a dog kennel, but he gave it to the cows who just tore it down and trampled it. Now there's only 1 good section left and I used it to secure a hole the goats made in the chicken's never ending!

In about two weeks I'm going to set up the incubator. Dang foxes and hawks did such a number on us that I'm going to start hatching early this year so I'll have a lot of fall layers (hopefully!). I usually try to sell chicks, but I'm not going to do so until I have too many for myself! :p

Now to also fix that dang rat problem! I put poison in the walls of the hen house, but they're mighty strong and just came back from the dead to reek havoc again. Dang rats killed about 15 chicks that hatched in the hen house last year and I'm NOT going to let that happen again! I WILL SUCCEED!


Swiss Army Wife
Jun 4, 2010
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It's hard to not take stuff so personally w/ your kids' school. DSS has trouble reading (but improving steadily) and it was so hard for us to finally believe that it wasn't our fault for his "not getting it". Maybe the HUGS program will help him like school more. It may do wonders! :)

Good luck getting the wall up! I'm also counting down to kidding/lambing time. My first is due on Feb of my ewes. No goat kids due until March 14th, and boy is it killing me!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Your animals are all just beautiful. The snow looks wonderful, from a distance that is. ;)

I am not an expert on this or even that well informed. But many of us on the forum deal with children who have learning disabilities. ADHD, Anxiety, etc. Some medicate and some use a more holistic healthy eating approach. My question is has your son been evaluated for an anxiety problem by a doc? I am sure the weekly visit with the social worker will be a helpful strategy. But it will not address the cause of his anxiety.

sorry, you can tell me to but out but my sil is having the same problems with her son right now.
