I've only had goats since 2009 and I've had alpacas since 1997 so I know just a little more about alpacas than goats. But I'm working on my goat knowledge!
The mental picture I got from that was priceless.....
I imagine disbudding a kid out in the garage/barn. Man holding goat down, woman disbudding with iron. Kid/Another adult standing by watching.
Woman: OK. I think I've got it - do ya see the skull yet?
Man: Nope - keep going.
Woman: OK........how bout now? Looks good to me.
Man: Yep - kid/other adult, go over yonder and grab that peice of shurd the dog left out last night....that one, yes, that one right there. Looks sharp enough, eh?
Woman: Sure does. That'll git her done.
Kid/Other adult: This shurd's stuck to the ground. I can't get it off.
Woman: Oh for Pete's sake. *runs over with sterile knife and cuts the shurd off the ground* THERE.