No update on Opi. Her ligs are softening - I'm such an idiot because I thought I knew what I was doing when I was checking for ligs and just figured out last night I've been doing it wrong all along. She's got more discharge so she's still in the kidding pen at night and during the day. When we get home we let her out, but with this crazy weather and the fact that no one else lets her stay in the barn I don't want to risk having her kid oustide.
chicks should be hatching in a week.
I'm going to bury myself in a hole.
Work has just loaded me up for no reason at all - said it was a corporate request. Yeah Right.
Just let me know when it's all over - I'll be under the covers.
I'd prefer just to bury my head in the mud pit we call our driveway/yard.
I'm not in a better mood - I'm still sick, still have to do the 'project' the big wigs say needs to be in the mail by tomorrow and was now just given another stupid project by someone who doesn't even really need the information. But I said there was no way I was going to get it done any sooner than mid week next week because I have a ton on my plate right now.
I let Opi out and about for the day. It's sunny and sorta warm; her ligs were really soft this AM so maybe by the time I get home she'll be nursing littles.
This weekend is my big soap craft show prep party. I have some friends coming over Friday to help wrap soap. Usually I'm sorta fun to be with, but now that I've been sick the house is a disaster area and I really don't feel like company. But I really need the help and these two know me so if I'm a little crass they won't mind.
I got an invite to another craft show 4/2/11 at the Windham High School - Henrietta, is that where you work? I can't recall...I'm going to apply and see if they have a spot left for me. I was also invited to an event at a horse farm really close by that's doing an Easter type event with pony rides, petting zoo stuff and local crafters. I offered to bring my soap (of course!) and also offered to bring over some of my goats, especially babies. It's on 4/9 from 1 - 5 so at least it's not for too long and it's wicked close to my house. Like, I could walk there close if I really wanted to.
Next weekend (3/12) is little g's birthday party. I haven't even gotten invites in the mail. Good thing we're not inviting a lot of kids from his school/daycare - it's mostly our friends and their children who are around g's age and they all know about the party already. little g wants to invite 2 of his 'girlfriends' from daycare/kindergarten. They both are in his class and go to the same daycare so he wants them to come over to see his playroom. I'm still thinking about it....
So I'm off again to attempt getting work done...someone please tell me why I went to college and paid big bucks to do the stuff I do now? Cause it doesn't seem to make too much sense right now...
A few things I need to get off my chest. WARNING: Don't take offense, please. I just need to yell a minute before I explode.
1) Why in the world does everyone need to ask me "Are you sick?" when they hear me sniffling or couging or just talk? No, I just wanted attention.
2) I'm really getting sick of the "I feel bad for you" looks. I know I'm sick but what am I going to do? I'm beyond the point of nodding my head nicely saying "thank you". By now I'm replying "Well, what am I gonna do? Gotta let it run it's course now".
3) Why does everyone insist on telling me their theories about how to make myself better? I'm a mom, and I'm a very do it myself person. If I wanted your opinion, I'd ask (ok...that's mean, don't read into it but it's how I feel at this moment). I guess I'll direct that to really pushy people who butt their nose into your business too much.
4) Why is no one responding to my thread about my disbudding job over at BYH? I changed the title today to hopefully attract some of the 'old timers' who can take a look at my pics. I've been looking for responses for a week now...
5) Why does the woman who stole the copier from me 'for just a few minutes' have boat loads of crap waiting to be copied? So much for getting my stuff done earlier than expected.
6) Why do DJs on the radio always seem to have good days? I mean, they're NEVER grumpy. For once I'd like to slap the afternoon DJ who has this bright, chipper, fake-ash voice and tell her not everyone's as happy as you are, Ms. Hap-Happyson.
7) Why is it that when it rains, it POURS?!?!?
Whew...OK /rant.
takes as much of a deep breath as I can while "Push" by Matchbox 20 comes on the radio - what perfect timing!
# 4. I noticed that too I just now heard back from my breeder on our disbuddings - I sent her the photos and she said it looks normal and not to worry about it so much Just watch for growth and reburn or band. So I feel better. The white spots that I'm seeing on the doelings have not changed at all in a week so I feel OK about it.
I think yours look as good or better than mine.
And for what it's worth - and my opinion only - I won't burn down to the skull to get a white ring instead of copper. Our breeder said she gets just as good results without having to worry about brain damage that that might cause. If others want to do it that way, then fine. But I won't do it to mine. I can deal with scurs if need be. My white doe has tiny scurs and they are really no big deal.
The creeping crud has struck our house finally too. I will do what I do best - fight it.
Not me - my daughter. I just need the rest of them to get through the week without coming down with anything. The schedule is free for illness next week I'm taking every potion I have to try to beat it.
...@ your sarcasm somedays it's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels that way...
I didn't reply to your thread (I dont' think I did, did i?) because I don't consider myself to be an expert. I've only done 4, and I can tell ya they all were successful, even though a certain person who thinks it's absolutely necessary to burn down to the skull ep) said I'd probably have scurs. No scurs. If you ask me (and my non-expert opinion), I thought they looked great.