I am going to read your story to my Blossom over and over and over again and show her the pictures. That is the kind of birthing I want to see from her. Though I wont mind being in attendance
Those floating kids are great! I want me some of those. That really ought to wow the neighbors.
Oh and what two faces. I only noticed one here. I don't go to the other place very often. Those people can get mean and bossy.
Sigh...no difference from when I comatosed out last night.
I did perform a 1:30am bed check on everyone and no changes to report from then either. Although I think there's a full moon on the horizon because the other goats were REALLY CRAZY at 1:30 am. I mean really crazy. Like jumping off crap, doing acrobatic stuff - and it was mostly led by my herd queen who's 6!
I believe Opi's just swollen and oozing "stuff". Not retained placenta stuff, just clear/slight bloody discharge. What I'd consider normal after delivery birth stuff - not that I'm as experienced as some. I'm going to clean her up this afternoon and try to get some of that crud off her. I'm also going to put hemorroid cream on her vajayjay to help ease the swelling. I'm thinking that since she had them so quickly they may have tried coming out at the same time. The buck was definitely first seeing as how he was a lot more dry than the doe and already up nursing. He was much bigger, too, so poor Opi didn't have the smaller kid first to *ahem* prepare the opening for the buck's arrival.
The buckling is still the same. This morning he was Eh Eh Eh-ing again. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. He's a buck for heaven's sake. Make some man noises! I've yet to see him nurse again; the last time I saw him nurse was around 9am yesterday. But he's up and moving so I suspect he's gorging himself at his leisure. I did give him a few good raps on the side to clear out anything that may be in his lungs. I listed to his breathing too and didn't hear any gurgling. Opi's "Maaaa" is really pathetic - sorta like she's got a smoker's voice - so maybe he just inherited her voice. Opi can belt one out when she needs to, but for the most part she's really raspy.
NO CHICKS. Not even a pip or rock this morning. I'm starting to loose my calm (well, if you ask Big G I lost it about February). I put two wet paper towels in the bator this morning even though you're not supposed to open the incubator up ever during lockdown. I swear I'm hearing cheeps but then I listen more closely for 10 minutes and nothing. I think I'm loosing my mind.
And, for those who missed 'it', you really didn't miss much other than a really funny story and a few peeps who didn't get the joke. They decided it would be more fun to start a verbal warzone based on one or two paragraphs than to sit back and read the entire story.
I still laugh as I walk through the yard and look at the melting snow.....that has shurds slowing making way to the frozen ground. Man, that was funny.
Happy birthday!! 6 is fun!
I know the secret of the two faced business! Didn't you tell us you are a twin?
Full moon is a ways off. It was just a finger nail clipping last night.