glenolam's madness - April passed away


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Man, are the next couple of days going to stink around here or what???? Actually it looks like most of us on here are going to get hit by the coming mess. We'll just be the last of the bunch.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Canterbury, CT
Well - Tuesday officially marked the 1st 150 day mark for Fudgie. Feb 22 Marks the last 150 day mark, so she's got just over 2 weeks to kid.

Here she was a few weeks ago:



I don't have a recent picture yet, but as soon as my computer is back I'll be sure to post one...assuming I can post those pics before kid pics! :lol:

She's HUGE. I figured for a FF she wouldn't look as wide, but dang. Now, she's not as wide as some of the pics I've seen of other people's goats, but compared to Eloise, who wasn't bred until Jan 21st, she's twice as wide.

Her sides have hollowed out, udder is increasing, but no swollen vajayjay or mucus. This weekend I'm going to get a new pitchfork and shave off a few inches inside the goat barn. I haven't cleaned it in months to allow them to stay warm and toasty, but it's getting so thick in there I'm able to see above the shelf that's 6ft off the ground! So I'd like to make it a little more clean in there in preparation for her big day. I'm also going to get an 8 ft cattle panel or something of the like to essentially break the barn into 2. She'll be locked in the right half with no way to get to the outside, which will help me keep her in check and make sure no babies make their way outside and also still allow the other goats to have cover.

Duke and Jack (my bucklings) go to their home this weekend too. Phew...two less mouths!

I didn't end up taking the pygmy cross doe w/ the horns. The lady might have found a home for her right next door, which is better for the people kids who are attached to the goat. I still offered a home in case it doesn't work out.

Two weeks ago I went to help trim the feet of two wethers I rehomed back in October. Of course, it was when we were in the teens for temperature and their hooves were frozen solid with ice and straw. But they needed me to show them how to do it, so I did my best and also gave the boys their CD&T shots. They look great! Their permanent home in the barn isn't completed yet so they're in a temporary home - a 10x10 dog kennel with a shelter built inside. Perfect for this time of year anyway! But their new enclosure/pen will be amazing! TONS of rocks to climb on and beautiful scenery. It was nice to see them - I'm not sure if goats really remember people at all, but one of them was as nice as always and the other seemed a little more stand off-ish than normal. It was cold, though and he really didn't like to be on the stand in the first place so I don't blame him. But both boys were healthy, fat and happy, I'm happy to report!

Last weekend I put a blue cheap tarp over the shredded green tarp shed so I have hay storage space again. With the most recent snow and ice we've gone out several times and gotten the snow off the top to avoid another collapse. So far everything else at our house is good - slippery but good. This weekend I'm also going to shovel off the deck so it doesn't collapse. It's about 15ft off the ground so we reeeeealy don't want it to go down!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Canterbury, CT

I see SD had an eventful weekend! I finally got my computer back this afternoon, so now while Big G watches the superbowl I'm catching up and typing as fast as I can in between commercials!

This weekend was aweful for me...physically speaking! We didn't end up getting the snow they were estimating yesterday so I took full advantage and took care of business. Big G ended up not going into work so we started shoveling the snow off the deck first thing Saturday AM, then went and got 25 bales of hay (cause that's all that'll fit inside the now-blue-tarp-shed) and I felt I was on a roll so I went to TSC and got a cattle panel, some feed, then went to Agway and got a new pitch fork. Got home and cleaned out the goat barn....UGH. 3 hours later, using the tractor bucket and making 6 trips to the front field, which is the only field that was available to use, the goat barn was finally almost back to normal ground size. I left a bunch of stuff in there so they wouldn't be susceptible to a draft, but got most of the crap out. Holy BAJEEZUS!

Then today I went to my friends to help disbud her buckling. She knows she doens't have it in her to do it right, so I offered to try it myself for the first time. I, for whatever sick reason, didn't have any issues doing it or listening to the kid cry. To me it was no different than hearing them scream when you take them away from their mom. Anyhoo...we'll see in a week or so how I did, but I hope I did it good enough! Her daughter helped and, being that she's seen it done umpteen times before I defaulted to her as to whether or not it "looked done". that I have my computer back I'll hopefully be able to post more. Except that now I have to get past these bills and paper that have piled up on the computer desk....SIGH


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
So tempted to send you my cell # so you can invite me to watch kidding. No way would it work out but it's tempting.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
Exciting times around here, huh? Sound like you had quite a busy day. Nice job on the disbudding - I think I'll be the same way. After all, it can't be much worse than taking my kids to the doctor and they screamed bloody murder for a half hour before the doc even stepped in the room :rolleyes: I'm immune to screaming and causing pain for the greater good :D


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
I wish you were closer to help me disbud mine! That is my next hurdle.

I should be doing it around day three to five correct? Or when do you feel is the correct time? I don't see anything there yet.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
I think you go by when you start to feel the horn buds and it can vary with each goat. I'm going to have to check with my breeder to see what she does.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Canterbury, CT
It can vary by breed and gender. This buckling was 2 weeks old, but his buds were only less than 1/4" high. They hadn't even really broke through the skin yet. After thinking about it last night the only thing I would have done differently is wait longer in between burns to make sure the iron was hot enough.

The little buckling was a trooper. I think the only reason he cried was because he was being pinned down and practically sat on so he didn't move. He did squirm his head a little so the right side got a little bit more of a burn, but after we were done he went right to mom, got a drink and was running around the barn with his friends. Sometimes there's nothing cuter than baby goats!

Here's two pics I took with my cell phone. They're pretty crappy but you get the idea.



We've agreed that if it looks like he's going to get scurs I get to come back and touch him up. Yes, I'm sick like that and don't mind going back in!

Hen - I'm sending you an email right after I'm done posting this. I'll definitely call you when Fudgie has her kids if you want & if you're able to make it that'll be awesome!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Oh, thanks for the pictures! That is so helpful. I'm trying to learn to do this myself. Yesterday I found someone willing to come to my house to help us learn to do it, she has a disbudder and "12 years experience" and only charges 15 apiece. She says she likes to do it from age one week to two weeks, with bucklings more towards one week and doelings more toward two generally. She is a distance away so I'll have to hope Molly kids soon so their ages are close. I'm trying to find out now what she charges for gas because she is probably two hours away.

If I take them to her....can goats be away from mama for five hours or do we need to take Ginger too? I'm thinking we need to take Ginger, right?


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Canterbury, CT
When I took my doelings to the vet to be disbudded they were away from Eloise for about 4 hours. Eloise did not like it at all - I had to warn the neighbors that I was taking the girls away for a period of time so they wouldn't worry something was wrong when they heard a goat yelling all day.

The kids will be fine away from Ginger, but if you'd prefer to bring her that's fine too. They'll probably just sleep the entire ride home anyway.

Glad you found someone who'll help though - it's a great way to start!