glenolam's madness - April passed away


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Javamama said:
I've found that when it doesn't taste quite right that adding more salt fixes it. I've only had a very, very slightly goaty taste so far - and I don't find that heating the milk makes it stronger. Some goats just have better milk than others.

Um, is it bad that I'm not really sure how old my meaties are? :p I think I've had them for 2 weeks and they were probably a few days old when I got them. Dangit, I'm going to have to track down the receipt. I've got so many birds here right now that I can't keep up.
I made that one too, glenolam and it is a big hit. I keep telling my hubby to buy me the "real" cheese making supplies and he keeps looking at me and saying, "I like that stuff you are making now!" and gives me the homer simpson "chhhheeeeeeeeeeeeze" imitation.

We added garlic and chives too and that was really good. When we did not drain it as much, we had it more like dip with chips.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Canterbury, CT
Well, the weekend's just about here so, as little g says, I just might "pistapeer" for a day or two :lol:

I have high hopes for this weekend...I really do...

I want to put up some lattice around the deck so the honeysuckle that's desperately trying to grow has something to grow on, fix up the yard more, dig up some rhodedendrons I have and move them, put more holly bushes and azaleas in their place, get some soap made, fluff up the hen and goat houses, clean out the meaties nasty shack, paint the hen and goat houses, get some sanity, get a tan, have a margarita, clean the inside of my car, clean the house...wait...scratch that, blah blah blah....

And the list goes on! Good thing it's gonna be sunny and warm all weekend!

Opi's kids go to their new home on Sunday, which means I've got to band the littlun. It'll be my first time taking away man parts, unless you count the times when I keep Big G's nuts in my purse so he remembers who's boss... ;)

popcorn chicken

Power Conserver
Mar 30, 2011
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NE Indiana
glenolam said:
Opi's kids go to their new home on Sunday, which means I've got to band the littlun. It'll be my first time taking away man parts, unless you count the times when I keep Big G's nuts in my purse so he remembers who's boss... ;)
OUCH!!! man do you have to write it out? We married men know it's true (for the most part), but do you have to say it too :/ :D

BTW, when you band you kid, make sure you get both nuts, and try and get the band as high on the scrotum as possible. When I did it the first time, it was a CIRCUS!!! We ended up w/ 3 people - 1 w/ the banding tool and 2 holding the screaming squiming 12 legged 4 headed beast that our little sweet buckling turned in too. :ep


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Canterbury, CT
Well - Opi's kids went home yesterday as planned. Big G and I went outside early in the morning and I told him to grab the little buckling and hold him by his arm pits so I could do the deed. I had watched several you-tube videos of it earlier so I thought I was prepared.

Big G grabbed the little guy and sat down on this little tykes picnic table and held the buckling up to me as if he were Simba in The Lion King.

I had the band on the tool and spread it open wide. With my empty hand I searched around for the man parts - one of them decided to pop back up in his belly area so I massaged, I mean pushed it back down into the sack. The whole time Big G's just staring at my skills.

I have both testicles in my left hand and move my right hand which holds the band and tool closer to the sack. I get both parts into the ring and try to close it and maneuver the band off. Suddently, one prong breaks free and causes one peice of the band to snap on the buckling's little sack.


Oops. Big G says a cuss word and we have a chuckle. I take the sack out of the ring and prep it again. He raises the buckling towards me as an offering and I once again feel for both testicles, Big G eyes a blazing, and get them inside the band. Slowly close the tool and try to get the band off as quickly and gently as I can. By now the bucklings lost all blood flow to his head and just stays put. Millimeter by millimeter I get the band off the tool and around his sack. One final push with my fingernail and viola. Deed is done and without another peep from the offering.

Big G puts him down and he goes right to his momma and sister. His sister starts playing with him and tries to head butt him. He just gives her this look and starts licking his soon to be non existant sack.

It was a great succes.

This accomplishment was followed by Big G chasing down a 155# nubian doe so I can put ointment in her eyes. If anyone ever wants to know who wins between a 155# doe and a 215# man, it's the doe at first, but the man can quickly take over as long as he gets her feet out from under her.

He was able to grab her by the collar and she swung him around like he was a kite. He held on for dear might and then got her in a hold. He tried so hard to get her still but ended up taking his leg and kicking out her legs from under her.

The entire time I'm just dashing left and dashing right trying to stay out of the way. I think my laughter was not helping. It was like watching a wrestling match rodeo style. Hay was flying everywhere.

Finally, he had her all wrapped up and I quickly administered the ointment. He let her go and she just looked at him in disbelief.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
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Big G impressed you with his goat wrasslin' skills and you scared the he!! out of him with your castrating ability. That's what I got out of that story :gig


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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*giggles* what a great description!!! lol


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Canterbury, CT
I think that watching me with "The Tool" earlier in the morning made him want to prove to me that his manliness is well warranted.