SD - I think Big G would have killed me if I taped his escapade with Malory.
PCC...Big G also calls me the man in the relationship. He sometimes says it would be really nice if I acted like a wife....just once. I tell him he should have lived waaaaaay back in the day if that's what he's looking for 'cause it's not happening 'round here.
Fudgie's got this milking thing down pat. I let her out of the goat pen and she just runs over to the milk stand. I'm really gonna mess her up when I get the fancy new milk shed and she's got to run somewhere else!
I got Fudgie all milked out before she even had a chance to get 1/2 way done with her grain. I tell you what, I'll be putting EVERYONE to shame when I show off my arms this summer. This milking thing is turning my forearms into monsters. You know how wrestlers flex their biceps and then turn their wrists to show off their forearms? Well, that's me after milking each night. I show them off the Big G and little g...little g is still impressed, but Big G just shows off his guns and says Pfffffttt
I got Opi on the stand as well for the first time last night. Well, technically I milked her Sunday night but it was just to relieve some of the pressure. I got about 1/2 cup Sunday night but got 16 oz last night. You Go Goat!
Anyone ever milk a pygmy? It's really not easy. I had to have her a$$ against my chest with my chin resting on her tail bone so I could lift her high enough over the bucket and to get a decent enough grip on that little bubble she calls an udder. I've said it once and I'll say it again, I love me some bigguns.
Yeah...sometimes I get so tempted to get a little Nigi after seeing all the cute little kid pictures everyone posts. But then I remember I'd have to milk IBTs and I think of June's nice big teats and I quickly change my mind.
I was actually having a discussion w/the other pianist at church on Sunday on milking goats. She grew up in Canada, and they had goats. Wonder what everyone else would have thought if they had heard our conversation! It sounded about like this tread.
Holy moly's sorta like what would OFG's church crew say if they heard our conversation about church playing banjo monkey!
So - self sufficiency has been tossed out the window the past few days. I've been receiving lots of packages in the mail in preparation for The Party of the Century (AKA the birthday party for me, my mother and my twin sister). I bought a disco ball complete with battery operated motor, spot light that comes with 5 different colored caps so we can change the color of the disco ball to our moods, two wireless outdoor speakers and I've been an itunes/Amazon MP3 player whore.
142 songs in a day.
And as we speak they're downloading to my cell phone so I can play them via the wireless speakers.
We're talking songs that vary from Baby Got Back to Build me up Buttercup to a personal country fav - I'm Country (craig morgan). yes, there's a hole in our yard that's a bbq pit and we're throwing a hog in it.
It's gonna be wild. I downloaded an album called 100 radio hits from the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's. Holey Moley there's over 6 hours of music for $17! I'm busy creating the party list so I can select only the songs that will do. Of course, I've tossed in a few for old times sake like "Leader of the Pack". of my best friends, me and the neighbor girl did a live action music scene in front of my best friend's mother and father when we were about 9 to that song. I can still do the moves to this day
Then there's Yesterday - En Vouge's version. My sister recorded herself singing that song acapela one day and I found it. OMG. I harass her to this day. And guess what I'm gonna do when that song comes on over the speakers....