Put my first eggs in the hatcher today! We got this dozen then 2 days later got 2 more doz from the same person. There were 4 buff orp, 2 SLW, and 6 from a mixed flock. The 4 buff and 2 slw were fertile- the 6 mixed wernt.
The next 2 doz had 4 buff, 1 slw, and 19 mixed. The 4 buff and 1 slw and 8 of the mixed were good.
I hope you do too. If I don't get anything to hatch from this batch of eggs, I'm going to look for some chicks. Then, I'm selling my LG incubator and seeing about getting the one I actually wanted! My birthday is coming up, so I figure I can use the money from the sale of the one, plus any money I get for my birthday for the other incubator. I'm tired of not getting chicks.
Mine have done nothing. They're still alive but look to be behind on development. I candled today, supposed to have been hatch day. They may take another day or two. I knew I shouldn't have loaned my hygrometer out to the school Theirs are supposed to be hatching too The high school kids are wanting to buy the chicks :/ I dunno about that though...wonder if their parents know, if they know how to care for them, if they even know what chicks eat, and so on. I told DD to just give them the home phone number and if they're serious, and their parents are okay with the idea, they can call. Otherwise, I aint dumb enough to turn a bunch of teens loose with live chicks during school hours Can you imagine?!
My first batch went into lock down today. In 5 days my second batch will go into lockdown in the hatching bator and I will then set one more lot. Then its shut down for one month and then one more hatching depending on how many the first 3 lots produce.