Usually a couple hours between pipping and hatching. My eggs go on lockdown in 4 days. I have 19 or 20 blue laced red wyandottes in the bator on it's maiden run lol. I candled yesterday and they all seem to be on track, but I did have a temp spike last night for some unknown reason. So I'll need to rekindle before lockdown Wednesday.
I confess that I didn't write on the calendar when I put my eggs in, so I was like 2 weeks into incubation of my sex-link project and a few araucana eggs when I noticed and I had to guestamate when it was time for lockdown. I may have been a day too early, but I know I was close. Been spraying the little guys sometimes with warm water. Well today, I went to spray and heard some peeps. So I'm hoping to have some fuzzy butts soon.
I need to be picking up eggs now for the Easter hatch. That hatch isn't even in progress, but I already have it on the calendar.....when it goes in, when lockdown is to happen and when they should hatch.
Lost one this morning. I knew last night when I saw that it probly wouldn't do well... it piped on the little end of the egg. So we opened the egg and he was backword. Also have one with splayed legs.
Other than that... we have (out of 13) 3 not piped, 1 hatching as we speek er..type, 1 lost, and 8 balls of fuzz.
I wound up with 9, and think they're about done. These were my mixed eggs. I think my humidity was way off on this batch because I didn't have my hygrometer :/ I had 40 in there...this is the crappiest hatch ever I have a few more pipped, but I'm not holding out much longer on them. I'll shut the bator down tonight and clean it up for the next batch, which won't be near as many. Then Monday I am supposed to get the other bator back from the school and want to start some duck eggs. I'm getting a nice pile of those in there now.
funny farm...sorry you lost one I always hate when the tiny little nuggets die for any reason. It's always sad.