Guess I'll try again.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Is it me, or has something changed? Did anybody notice that we just haven't heard anything about Syria lately? Did those folks just make up and quit or did something else becomes more important?

It always amazes me that the mainstream media can't multitask. They seem to glom on to one serious problem and hold onto it for as long as they can with the rest of the things going on the world completely ignored.

What amazes me is the fact that there was something very very ominous going on having to do with the state of South Carolina and in particular the Charleston Harbor with the recent decision not to go to war with Syria. While I am not usually given to "panicking" (in a sense) it does seem a little unusual that there were some nuclear weapons transferred from one state to the state of South Carolina with nobody signing for those weapons.

Then on top of that, Lindsey Graham made strange comments about terrorists possibly getting a hold of nuclear weapons and blowing up the city of Charleston South Carolina. Now I think to myself why would anybody from Al Qaeda or anybody else who doesn't like us use Charleston Harbor rather than something that's much more meaningful to them?

We all know the Charleston Harbor was the site of a place called Fort Sumter. Interestingly enough, as we all know in American history, Fort Sumter was the site of the first shots fired in anger during the Civil War. Does anybody have any question as to why that would be historically uninteresting to people in any country other than ours?

For some reason, I just don't think that anyone outside of this country would use Charleston Harbor or Fort Sumter as their historical Mark in order to wake us up. They did use 9/11 which in fact was very ironic because it is the national distress call phone number on the telephone. If you aren't aware of this happening, all you have to do is conduct a "Google" or any other search engine if you prefer and search the terms "nuclear weapon, South Carolina" and you will find a lot of information about this. Now what could possibly have instigated the movement of any nuclear weapons from ANYWHERE to ANYWHERE ELSE with out proper authority and procedure? I may have been a "snake eater" out in the jungles but I do know that those particular weapons are relatively well guarded and you just don't go moving them around without the "right people" giving the order/approval.

So what WAS going on there? They wanted to go to war in Syria in the worst way and the American People said, NO, they weren't going to get into a war in Syria on the side Al Qaeda was fighting on. That just didn't make a lick of sense. I have heard some pretty wild accusations as to exactly what happened there and how we narrowly avoided "Martial Law" because Charleston, SC didn't get "Nuked". Can anyone imagine the consequences of such an event? Can anyone imagine WHO could have given such an order/approval? Does anyone know who has the "AUTHORITY" to permit such an action? What about doing it WITHOUT appropriate protocol so as to make it sound "terrorist" rather than something even more ominous?

Why does the MSM simply "change the channel" on us. A few weeks ago it was Syria, then it was Obamacare and suddenly they've shifted our "focus" to "making a 'deal' with Iran?" Really" Do we LOOK that STUPID to these liberal bozo's? Do they really think they could pull that sort of stunt and NOT have anyone be aware of their shenanigans? These people scare me. The Al Quaeda guys DON'T. MY OWN people would do such a thing? That is the height of insult and terrorism and they simply think they can blow our hats off with some "diversionary information" and get us to "focus" where they want?

I am able to multitask and since the MSM can NOT, I think it is high time we called them to task and told them to start printing "The TRUTH, the WHOLE TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, so help them,G*D!" Isn't that what we are expected to do when we testify before our fellow countrymen? Why can the media only report "facts" and not require the "FACTS" to be 100% TRUE? It used to be the law that they could only report the truth and THEY got it changed to allow them to report FACTS which can shape public opinion without having to be true! WHAT'S up with that?

Since the MSM is paid HANDSOMELY by whoever wants to distort the information in this country, I think it is high time they be brought in front of the COMMON LAW court and tried for "breach of oath" along with anyone who is paying them to lie to the American people.

I am reading here about people "whispering..." and some even speaking in the open. While I am not sure what they are "whispering about" I am convinced that there are enough people who are annoyed with things that are being done by people who claim to "know what's best" and who claim to "BE IN CHARGE" but are woefully mistaken on both of those issues.

The government of the United States of America is supposed to be, as in the words of Abraham Lincoln, "...Of the people, by the people and For the people..." and those who are employed by the government are simply supposed to be members of society who have been given the privilege of receiving a salary for doing the work of government, not BEING THE KING or "IN CHARGE" of the people...or any such nonsense. EVERYONE who works for the government can be fired and replaced and if they are doing something other than what is permitted by statute (i.e. The Constitution of the United STates of America) they should be immediately fired and replace with someone who DOES perform with in the confines of the STATUTORY LAW that dictates what government employees are supposed to do. There is nothing contained in the Constitution that permits them to "be IN CHARGE" or tell us what to do. That is NOT what their purpose is and any of them that think that need to be fired and replaced...starting with those who make decisions that could endanger the lives of other Americans.

In case no one ever told you (and I'm sure they will disagree) NONE of the members of congress are part of "THE GOVERNMENT" They are employees of the state from which they were sent, to represent the people of that state to the people who administer the government and to tell THEM (i.e. the government) what to do. THEY are NOT THERE TO TELL US what to do. Whoever doesn't get that, please PM me and I'll give them the "source/citation" of LAW which states that.

If we are in perilous times it is because of this fact and we need to get back to what is supposed to be going on. I have been told that our "government" was converted to a "democratic corporation" by some act of 1871. The fact that anything like that has EVER happened is treasonous and if in fact that did happen, it is high time to change it back. The United States of America is not supposed to be a "CORPORATION" and as such that VIOLATES the Constitution of the United States of America and needs to be corrected.



Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Yes, sir, lot's of things that make you go hmmmmmm....

Before anyone making pronouncements about "they are ready for something like this...", I humbly suggest reading the book "One Second After" by WILLIAM R. FORSTCHEN. is his website.

After multiple EMP fry North American's electronics, roughly here is the order of events:
- local stores pillaged
- local drug storage/med facilities pillaged
- prepared foods exhausted
- isolated homesteaders are killed and their animals/supplies pillaged, supplies begin to be pooled for common defense.
- people with medicine-dependent conditions begin dying
- hunting food sources exhausted
- small organized gangs began roving the area
- large organized gangs battle locals for control of remaining supplies.
- recovery begins

Estimated 60-80% mortality rates over all over 2-5 years.

Bottom line, IMHO, if the conspiracy is so great as some sources cites, there is nothing we can do about it. If it's not so great, then we don't have anything to worry about.

As always, YMMV


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I always preferred to live by the target sites. I just didn't want to know about the "day after". Let me just make one poof..... TYVM ;)


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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:frow Hey moxie! Yep, take me out in the first round, too.


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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Hiya Jamie!! :frow Nah...I have no use for conspiracy theories. Until any of them can be proven, they are merely just speculation. "What ifs......". Guessing games.

Now, I have lived on military bases for 7 years, and was a navy wife for 15......and got all of the orientation training a new military wife does. You know...."loose lips sinks ships"..and all. Anymore, I just kind of read over any news reports, mentally file them if necessary...and go on about life. Just me. Nothing to be gained by speculation.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Today was productive. I moved about 40 bales of hay and corn stalk bales from the field to the barn yard; seemed like it took the entire day. I started about 9am and had to quit at about 5:20 Pm because it was so dark. Im really not sure why they put lights on a tractor but when you are hauling a big round bale of hay, the lights manage to reflect off of the bale and since the bale obscures not only your forward vision but the light, it is rather difficult to do anything without adequate sunlight. I finally got to the point where I am comfortable that I have enough feed for the cattle for a difficult winter.

The baler I got last year is working really well. For some reason it wouldnt give a dependable sized bale last season but this season it appears to have been doing much better. Having the bales all the same size makes it a lot easier to stack and line up. My neighbor chewed me out for not stacking them right away when I got them to the barn yard. I thought I would do that after I got them all here but he really got on my case so I just stacked them as usual (1 on 2) and lined those up. I know I have at least 20 bales of grass hay and brought about the same number of corn stalks but put them in a different location. Ive been using corn stalks (filled with some ears, etc.) for two years now so I have an idea of how often to put them out for the cattle. The more corn stalks they eat the less waste I see at spring time.

Thankfully, it is now December and I am still able to work in the field. Some years it starts snowing in October and that means no more work gets done till Spring.

The dog has taken up with one of my cats. I saw them snuggling together in the garage and one day I even saw them together with a second cat in the mix. It seems that now that Buddy has become a bit larger, the cats have recognized his presence in a more meaningful way. They play together, sleep together and generally get along.

Still only have one chicken. Had 5 of them killed while I was away last month and I havent had any luck getting any new ones. No matter how many folks have, they just seem to have difficulty parting with any of them.

I traded in my spare bucket for a pallet fork for my JD and that is a really handy item. I can stack things on pallets and get them out of the way. Yippeeee!
So just another day on the farm for the City Boy!
Trim sends


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
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That sounds a bit odd about the chickens, we used to calculate the number of birds to carry over the winter with care because they don't produce eggs without light and are fairly depent on feed grains if there is snow on the ground. often we went to far and had to have chicks shipped in to get the flock numbers up for egg production. We would sell up to our limit with winter coming on. Of corse back then chicken meat tended to be more expensive and only appeared on the dining table on Sunday when the Minster would visit.~gd


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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The "extreme cold" weather has finally abated for now. It has been at least -20*F around here for the past two weeks. I was beginning to wonder if it would ever warm up, if only UP to 0*F...yikes.
Today it was a balmy +32*F. I could go outside and didn't use gloves to feed the llamas. (I went to my friend Wiilbur's to see them)

Yesterday it was brutally cold. Some gals were coming to visit WW and they had no power steering in their old suburban. They spun out into the ditch and damaged some wires and a fence post or two. Fortunately, their Suburban was no damaged and they were not hurt.
The fence damage is minor but it will be spring before it is repaired. Just the hazards of living here in the winter...

Of course, I couldn't get anything started. Neither tractor would start so I had to plug them both in. Fortunately, they did finally start after about an hour on the "juice". Once that was done, I was able to pull them out with the big JD.

The poor chicken is depressed. She is alone and there isn't much I can do about it right now. I do still have to send the parts for the incubator back to the company because of the recall.

The dog has TOO much energy...when does a lab begin to "mellow" even the tiniest amount? Wow, I am too old for that kind of puppy...

I find things to do that keep me away from here as much as I used to be. I don't seem to notice whether it makes any difference or not.

Corn Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Dec 26, 2010
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Your Lab should start to mellow about 3 years and that's being hopeful on my part. We have been getting the deep freeze in my area of the country as well and it's record breaking. -19*F at the worst and still not above freezing for the last 2 weeks. Pipes froze and broke at my place. Today was a balmy 27*F for the high and no gloves required to feed the animals. Stay warm!! I keep telling myself "This too, shall pass".

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