Happy to be Me--Settling In

Happy to be Me

Power Conserver
Jul 18, 2012
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Moolie--we have thought about an RV or camper of kind and that might wind up being an option but we are hoping to only have to be somewhere for a month or two. Wow--never even thought of storing our stuff at the house! Guess I'm just too close to see what's right in front of me--amazing. We might be able to do that after we can get out there and find out how bad it really is--I can't live without plumbing and electricity (at least I don't want to yet!) but the stuff sure could. Thanks!

American Homesteader--later this evening I plan to start reading about your journey. I love seeing what other people are doing and knowing that we aren't alone!

Happy to be Me

Power Conserver
Jul 18, 2012
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Was able to get some moving boxes on Friday, as well as make a few phone calls about getting a well and a septic system installed. We are still in limbo on this until the appraisal comes back and all the paperwork is finalized so that is making me a little crazy. It just takes so long! But whether we get this property or have to start looking for another, we know we are moving out of this house so the sorting/packing will continue either way. When hubby was in the military, we moved every three years but we have been here for 8 years and have sure accumulated a lot of "stuff". We are scheduled to have a yard sale on august 4th and will be selling quite a bit of furniture and items that will be not be making the move.

Hubby said no way are we going to put anything in the old farm house until he can get in there and find out what critters may be lurking so today we will take a load to the storage shed to get it out of the way. Mostly just books and decorative items. I just can't seem to part with the books (and since will not be hooking up cable at the new place, that might be a good thing!) and we have collected a lot of things over the 25 years of marriage and military moves that are pretty sentimental. What I'm hoping is that as we pack and sort here, we will get rid of a decent amount of things and then when we set up at the new place, we will see what else we decide that we don't need/doesn't fit, etc. I know we will still have too much by some standards, but it is a work in progress and I will keep at it. My goal is to eventually just have the items we truly love and those that we truly need.

If our friends end up not purchasing this house, we want it on the market in September so along with the packing we are working on the minor items left to fix up. In the eight years we have been in this house, we have pretty much re-done almost every room but there are always little things that we keep putting off. i have some trim to paint around a couple of large windows we had replaced, a couple of closets I want to repaint just to freshen up, hubby has some baseboards to finish up in our bathroom since we finished re-tiling it not long ago. We will also replace the last two remaining bits of carpet once we are closer to moving or showing the house.

And currently, our niece is visiting until the 30th so I am trying to do some fun things with her. Monday we are going to the beach for the day so i won't get anything done then. She is a teenager so i don't want to completely bore her to pieces. We have been spending one day at home, then the next day going to do something. After she leaves, we have the garage sale on the 4th, then hopefully we we will be closing on the property by the 10th. I have a trip to see my family (sister and two aunts/uncles) in TN/KY for two weeks in late August/early September. I have had this planned for a while--before this property came on the market and we started the process of purchasing it--so I don't want to cancel unless I really have to. One uncle is not in good health and the other aunt and I are planning to go through and sort out the rest of my grandmother's things while I am there. My sister's children are also in a play at the end of august so I am looking forward to seeing them in that. They do a lot of community theater and I don't get to go very often.

All in all, it will be a busy month!

Happy to be Me

Power Conserver
Jul 18, 2012
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URGH! So after all this waiting and thinking that we are well on our way, just found out today that somehow the appraisal didn't get ordered correctly through the bank. So another two or three weeks of waiting--if the sellers are willing to wait that long. So frustrating. Apparently due to the new regulations in the mortgage industry, the loan officer is now not allowed to contact the appraiser directly but has to go through another department--which is where the problem came in. I could just scream. :somad Starting to wonder if this IS going to work out.

On a better note, we have made good progress on packing up some things and getting the excess stuff ready for the garage sale on Saturday. And I've contacted the various agencies for utilities to get an idea of what those will cost to have installed on the property where we want the permanent house. But I am so not motivated to work on anything today!

Happy to be Me

Power Conserver
Jul 18, 2012
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Better day today. Got a call from the banker and the appraisal is finally getting done. We should be able to close on the property first week of September. I am now cautiously optimistic. Good progress on the yard sale, most of the items are set up in the shop and we will be ready for the sale tomorrow. Hopefully a good deal of stuff finds a new home--at least the large items. What doesn't sell will be donated or tossed--it isn't coming back in this house!

After saying "no" to storing our items in the old farm house, Hubby now says, "Well, what if we maybe need to live there for a while?" And started talking about having the current well checked. I am all for it. A couple of weeks worth of hard work (after some bug spray and rodent traps!) and we could make it work. Not holding my breath though! Pretty big leap for us. So things are looking up. Just got rather discouraged the other day when things hit a bump. We are going to have patience and trust God to work this out how He wants it. (sometimes I just need a thump on the head to remember that!)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Glad to hear things are back on track and the yard sale set up is progressing well.
DH forces me to be realistic when it comes to property - he refuses to discuss it or anything, until we sign on the dotted line. We (and be we, I mainly mean me :p ) have gotten heartbroken and disappointed so many times, he just tries to not get my hopes up too much before hand ;)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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:smack There ya go. Does that help? :D :hide

Happy to be Me

Power Conserver
Jul 18, 2012
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Denim Deb--Yep, it does, but you'll probably have to do it frequently! :)

SS--I am so glad to know I'm not the only one!

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