big brown horse
Hoof In Mouth
Lupinfarm, I didn't realize how invasive he was, now I'm creeped out! Ask around to the people who have known him, see if he might have a violent past, hopefully not. If you have already told him NO TRESSPASSING, than I would call the cops too. If they don't do anything alteast there will be a record of his antics for future referances. Can't you tell the police that he scares you and your family and he is terrorizing you by approaching your house and you uninvited?
I don't like the law in Canada about tresspassing!
Going through a locked gate should be like breaking and entering especially if he is approaching windows etc. I can understand how creepy this would make you feel..especially if you have children. I would probably FLIP out momma bear style on him if I cought him looking in my windows!! Maybe he needs a very RUDE awakening.
I don't like the law in Canada about tresspassing!