HeatherLynnKy on the farm Ranting and hormone crazy tonight warning


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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Oh no, we came home tonight and Blossom again refused her bottle. Her congestion doesn't seem bad but she is breathing hard. We got the bottle down her and give her the antibiotics for tomorrow morning tonight. Her temperature is 105.8. So i am exhausted( like so tired I almost fell asleep driving home) and the calf is sick and homeschool and riving the youngest to preschool starts back in the morning, and my husband is driving into work instead of working from home tomorrow. I am staying up late to get some probiotics in our poor girl and maybe some electrolytes. I might get some of the gelling kind into if possible. If not she is getting a full electrolyte bottle in the morning to help her battle of this virus. Poor baby.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Oh my goodness - I'm so sorry. You've got soo much going on and with Blossom not doing well I know it's making everything harder. :hugs


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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Just praying we can pull her through this. It breaks my heart and I don't get over these easy. Seems like nothing is helping this poor gal at all and I have done everything in my power and the vets at this point. I wish I could ease her suffering a bit and help her more. She got her antibiotic at 8 and my husband is about to head out and give her the probiotic paste for me. I simply cannot walk right now. I walked a parade route with my American heritage Girls and I am worn out. For a parade it was short. Only a mile but a mile on course grade gravel. My feet are literally bruised. Then stood up at our table at a chili supper for another 2 hours. I can barely walk at this point and the continued running to the barn is not helping. Not that I won't do it because I will be out there in the middle of the night, aching feet and all.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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And she seemed to be doing so much better. Hope you can pull her thru this. :hugs :fl


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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She got halfway up on her own this morning before she gave out. We got her up the rest of the way. Shot seems to have had a little effect but not enough. Calling the vet in an hour when they open up and going to ask for something called Draxxin. If I cannot get an antibiotic from the vet today, then I am falling back on the la200. Today she is getting just electrolytes and probiotics and lots of them. She drank 2 quarts of revilalite with a heavy dose of probiotics tossed in. Probably mid day she will get another. Not sure we can get a full bottle down her but we will give it a shot. Then maybe tonight she will get another half and half bottle. I hesitate to take away from her need for strength and building up and he need to stay super hydrated.

Of course since I got kids up early for chores right after a school break everyone is in a bit of a foul mood. The 2 oldest are fighting like little mad things as soon as they get up. My youngest DS is already dressed and off to school. He even had time to write his name and a little note to his teacher in a Christmas card. I thought that was very nice and he was so excited he did it. To make my week a bit easier I pre prepped school work for the week and its waiting for the kids. We are keeping it very basic the next 3 weeks. Just grammar, Math, Reading and writing. My son is doing some science too. We are trying to finish off our mathbooks by Christmas so that after Christmas break we can start new ones. Same with Grammar and Science. We are starting some new curriculum after Christmas but I want to finish up what I have also. Its a struggle finding something that works for us. DS is really advanced and its hard to challenge him. He can skate through everything I throw at him. DD is dyslexic and its a struggle. I have managed to keep her at grade level in reading. Her writing is ok. Her spelling is HORID though. Math is rough too. For whatever reason she still struggles with multiplication. However division is easy peasy. So now she is working on multiplication again and just doing it as the opposite of division. A bit convoluted but it seemed to help. A bit of an experiment for us but so far so good. Anywho this week they are each only working on 2 workbooks each and reading a big book and writing a book report. I probably will work out what they will do next week when I get some free time. I like to have a clean slate after Christmas break. A bit of a pain because we do need 2 sets of curriculum each year because we end up finishing early. Ah well.

I am working on Christmas cards for the nursing home today and ones for at church. Apparently being the Coordinator of our girls troop requires me to be social. Not my strong point but I am making the effort. The cards for the nursing home have to be done in 2 weeks and I need almost 200 of them. Our church has been so great about donating gifts to give to the seniors too. I put out a rubbermaid and they filled it several times over on the first Sunday alone and many said they still were working on gifts. So I think we will have issue having a gift for each resident.

Ok I feel way too productive, way too early. I have to go find some way to be useless for about 30 minutes. Is it wrong to want a nap at 7:30 in the morning?


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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Ok guys, no chipper or happy journaling today. Blossom is doing very very badly. Even once we get her standing she is falling down. She did drink a bottle this morning of electrolytes, probiotics and molassas she is very congested. She just got the nuflor last night which was supposed to kick this things butt. I smeared her with some vicks and covered her back up. We are keeping the stall as dry and cold draft free as possible without hindering good ventilation. I am doing everything right I think but its falling way short of good enough. She is foaming at the mouth and my brother said its hopeless. I am going to go to the goats for a while and cry I think. Not sure how much more I can take. Just torn to pieces over this.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I'm so sorry! Sometimes you do everything right and despite all your efforts it just doesn't work. Maybe the antibiotics will kick in and help her.... But, if the worst happens you will know you did everything that you could do.


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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She is a little fighter I swear. Gave her a b12 shot and another la200 before lunch. Well apparently that gave her a kick because she is up and walking around a bit. Got myself a new farm vet that does make housecalls also. He gave me a little shot cocktail to give her today and said he thinks that should take care of her. Also gave me some sulfer pills and I am to put one in each of her milk bottles. AND he takes care of goats too. Did I mention he does housecalls? He said if she is not better in the morning to give him a call and he will come visit her. I have a little bit of hope right now. Its not much but its a little bit.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Woo Hoo! I was actually dreading opening up your post... I'm so glad it's at least a little bit of good news! :)

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