big brown horse
Hoof In Mouth
Long story short. Daughter 14.5 years old, (the love of my life) has always had a hard time making friends, especially since we moved up here 3 years ago. She is very shy and the fact that she missed almost a whole year of school due to illness didn't help. Summer now, no friends.
She goes to a great riding stable for lessons now and there are lots of girls (of all ages) there. Yesterday I saw one passing out invitations to a slumber party, Sam is new up there and hasn't been for 2 weeks due to summer camp and cousin visiting, so she didn't get one. However, seeing the invitations get handed out gave me an idea...I can pass out invitations too! My question to you, what can I invite these girls to do at our place? We have basic farm animals, horses, sheep, chickens, ducks, dogs etc. Nothing these girls haven't seen before, we all live in the country and the stables also has the same animals roaming around plus llamas and ponies. We live on 5 acres and have a pond. I don't have a vehicle to cart more than 4 girls around anywhere else. Oh, it really doesn't have to be a slumber party at our place either...we have a local bowling alley, a skating rink etc. too. Ideas???