if you aren't ready for goats yet then just put it off for a bit. sometimes we just want to get our projects started and then do a 1/2 butt job on it ya know......and then we wish we waited and did it the way we truly know, we all do that..LOL-LOL
maybe just holding off and tackling your other SS projects is good enough for a bit. Too much on the old plate! We all have that happening also..LOL
plan for the fence you truly will come!
Yes Karen I think you are right about waiting on the goats. I have so much going on right now. At least for me. Not like running a farm or anything. But I plan to transfer my kids school in Sept. That will be a big change for us. Then there is the garden. It's about 3 times the size as last year.
Now I have all this craft stuff I want to do. Slow and steady.
yea tanks
every time I rushed into a project, it never was as good as the one that I did slow and steady and correctly, the way I wanted it.
you do have alot on your plate!
you are transferring schools for the kids also....yea I would wait til you get into an easier time. and you know with spring coming and all your plants in their new mini greenhouse/cold frame---you will have your hands full! and then the canning and processing comes..LOL...oh, yes, alot of work on the horizon.!!