Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

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Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Ugh, what is it about 2nd grade teachers and boys???? I know there are some great ones out there, but I haven't met one in a while. I went to pick up one of my students from a 2nd grade classroom today. Three of her boys were separated from the group; two at the back tables and one was in an alcove area looking like a wild animal in a cage.... I talked to my supervisor at the end of the day and the situation has gotten quite bad in that room. Scary! DS's 2nd grade teacher made him hate school.... it was the same for my brother.
Our big battle right now is getting DS to remember his "Wednesday folder" and to write. He hates it. For two years he was required to do a daily writing journal. "This weekend I ______" He would write the bare minimum and be done with it. This year he has to write papers in paragraphs. He is digging in his heals and make such a battle out of it. We're trying to figure out if there's some specific aspect of it that is difficult for him but haven't hit on anything yet. It may just be that there is soooo much involved in writing, from holding the pencil correctly to finding the word you want to use, to spelling, grammar rules, spacing on the page...... He is a strong reader and speller, thank goodness for that!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Well it is that time of year. I've got the autumn cold. Not terrible. Neti pot and some stuff from the naturpath keep me going during the day. Nyquil gets me through the night. I'm able to go to work and keep up with the basic chores. Nothing else though. Although tonigh I had no choice. I had to drive to my parents' to feed their cat and bring in their mail, come home and get dinner on the table and finish getting ready for Cub Scouts. I can't say I was disappointed to only have 3 of the 7 boys show up. I didn't quite have the energy for it. But we had a good time. I got home and did the evening chores, caught up with email and I'm ready to crash.
DS had an off day. I had an email from his teacher about something else and wrote back. Apparently except for a silly incident at lunch he did okay during class. He did have trouble getting all his math done so he had extra work which may have been part of the reason he had a tough afternoon. He sat with his dad while I ran errands and got as much done as he could but ran out of gas. We'll send it what he managed and he can finish the rest tomorrow. He may be coming down with what I have. We've gotten him to bed a little earlier the past few nights, but then he just wakes up earlier in the morning! Wish I could pin point what triggered it but I can't. We ate very carefully over the weekend. I don't think it was a food trigger. Oh well. As I told him, we all get to try again tomorrow and hopefully it will go a little better.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
Just in case you are interested - I found something that works really well for my colds - it's called Super Lysine+ Immune System. http://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Super-Lysine-Plus-Tablets/dp/B000Z94Z9I
So far it has worked very well for all of us when we start the sniffles.

I put my kids on Vitamin D too. Total of 1.5 school days missed between both of them! Down from 10+ days the year before.
Strep is already going around in our school :/


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Thanks guys! I feel like I'm winning the battle. I'm just tired. I could sleep for a day! But I'm not sick enough to stay home. I'm taking this Bio Veg stuff from the naturopath, doing the wet sock treatment at night and using my neti pot. I've been able to stop using the Nyquil since I'm sleeping really well. If it doesn't get any worse than this I'll consider myself the victor!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Pluggin away. Sure has been a long week!
Off to the fabric store to find a pattern and fabric for a Harry Potter costume for DS. He needs for Monday night's Cub Scout Pack meeting. Hoping Grandma will help. I can sew. I just don't like to.....
His school just got their online grading system up and running. He's doing well academically, all As and Bs. I've been in touch with his teacher several and times and overall he's working very hard to control his impulses and stay focused. No surprises there. He's had a few rough days and some stellar ones too. I am convinced at this point we made the right choice.
I love that he's got a 97 in Religion! Not bad for a little boy who's not Catholic!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
He says thanks!
We did not find a pattern that we could easily adapt to a Harry Potter quiddich robe. We ended up buying a costume :hide something we have never done!! Either my mom, DH or I have made his costumes. He's thrilled with it though so I guess I'll have to just get used to it. It's not a quiddich robe, it's the student's black robe, but it came with HP's glasses and wand. We found a cheap witch's broom that DH and DS will adapt to make it look like a HP broom. Lipliner scar on his forehead and we're good to go. :thumbsup
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