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Yard Farmer

Packing for Cub Scout camp. I need to make meals for DS and I both. We leave Sunday after church. I am looking forward to it although I am already aware that some of the adult personalities are going to be a challenge to deal with. The two other leaders and I went to a meeting at the camp Tuesday night. Our main leader who has been organizing everything is major type A. He offered to drive me up to so I rode with him. He wanted to get there early and check out different campsite areas. Fine with me. I've only been there for day camp. He had in mind he wanted a particular area but when it came time for the meeting the camp staff had already made assignments. They had also grouped different packs together to make numbers work. He grumbled all evening because we got the last site that he wanted. I'm happy because it's the handicap accessable site and has showers and flush toilets on site and they're individual rather than communal so I can use them. There are a number of female leaders going and the ones who have been there before are saying we have to walk to one of three places to shower. Ugh. We'll see at orientation on Sunday. Maybe they will let me use to one on our site since it's totally private. We found out we are grouped with all the boys who are coming without their own leaders. There won't be more than a handful and they will probably be really independent good kids to be sent on their own, but not necessarily. I was told that we will probably have a member of the camp staff staying with them, at least at night. That's an advantage! The guys are telling me I am going to have to climb the rock wall. It's apparently an unofficial challenge between groups, how many leaders can do it. In the past ALL of our packs leaders have. Don't see it happening. I just don't have the strength anymore and I'm still suffering from the fall I took at our pack campout in June. (The one where I misstepped coming out of our tent and fell full force on my side. I still don't have full range of motion with that arm. I can't see myself pulling myself up a rock wall with it. Or without using it.) Getting back to the meeting, I said hi to another female leader, whom I had met at my outdoor training a few months ago. We hit it off but she mentioned having had issues with our other leader at camp in the past. Sure enough after I said hi to her he actually leaned over and said to me, "Careful, she's the enemy!" Are you kidding me??? What is this, middle school? apparently...... I'm thinking of bringing a notebook to keep notes because I'm sure I'll have some funny tales to tell and my memory isn't what it used to be. But I can't let it get found. And it all revolves around a shared latrine