Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

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Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
OMG, my sock is sooooo cool. I've done the top lace ribbing for the cuff, then a short section section and then 32 rows of the main lace leg pattern. I have to repeat the first 24 rows then start the heel. I made a few errors but nothing drastic and they're well hidden in the pattern I think. I'm not letting my advanced knitter friends look at it too closely. I will be seeing them tonight at Knit and Listen for our next installment of The Help.
It was a nutty week at school with Monday off. At the high school the usual rescheduling of Freshman who need remedial reading classes happened Wednesday so we had to redo parts of the Speech schedule. And of course today I found a glitch. I started the day at the elementary school by sending one of my students from the hallway, where the students were waiting for the bell to ring, to the Social Worker for the second time this week. The first time was because he told me that his real name was Vectron and his face was just a mask and he was really pure evil so I better not mess with him. :/ He wouldn't let it go and the other kids were starting to move away from him so I felt I'd better let a more appropriate staff member deal with it. Then today he was sitting in the same spot. The rule is and always has been that the students are supposed to read quietly. I let them write, do homework, word searches, basically anything that involves the written word. He came in seeming to be in a much better mood than Wednesday but then refused to get out a book. I would have ignored it and let him sit quietly but he kept talking to the student next to him and disturbing him. I told him to change his seat and he refused again. His teacher came out at that point and called him into the room. He came out after being reprimanded and sat and sulked. Still wouldn't pick up a book. Within 10 minutes of the morning bell ringing I saw the Social Worker taking him to her office and he was in tears. So something is up with him. Not a great way to start my day. Or his. I want to like this troubled kid but he makes it so hard. THen I did something I was dreading. I took a group of 4 kindergarteners for a session all at the same time! Now, I am pretty sure that there is a special place in Heaven for kindergarten teachers. I couldn't do it if my life depended on it. So 4 kids working on different speech goals is kind of like herding cats. These kids were amazing. They sat. They listened. They followed directions. They took turns. They practiced really hard speech sounds. One is developmentally delayed and has bigger issues than speech errors. He did great too. We got all their work done, had time to play a bit of a game AND set up sticker charts for them since they obviously earned stickers today!!
The high school started off almost as good. I have a multiply handicapped non-verbal boy I work with right when I get there. I introduced two new sets of pictures for him to work with and he was much more focused than I've seen him in a year or more! Got 20 minutes of great behavior and solid work before he got tired and we quit while we were on a positive note. Then the scheduling glitches started happening and we ended the day with a pep rally for the home coming game. I didn't go. THey're my idea of H3LL. I did some paperwork, straightened the room and made some plans for next week.
We're back to dealing with focus issues with DS at school. We have a meeting to see his teacher next Thursday. She is real big on 4th graders taking responsibility for themselves and seems to be less willing to redirect his attention than his teacher last year. He was having an issue with another boy whispering his name constantly until he told him to stop and then they'd both get in trouble. So we roll played ignoring and sure enough today he did just that, the other boy got in trouble and DS was able to have his seat moved away from this other boy. I hate to see him be a target like this, for the entertainment value of someone else. This boy isn't a friend, so it's not that he wants to chat. He wants to irritate DS until he gets him in trouble. At least this teacher believed us. 2nd grade teacher just blamed him for letting them get to him. No fair! :barnie Soooooo we will talk with the teacher and see what she suggests. SHe already knows I'm against the medication route. I don't believe he has ADD or ADHD. He is perfectly capable of doing the work and focusing under certain circumstances. Today she said he did much better but lost focus in math. I think he was struggling with it and rather than ask for help just drifted in thought. He's getting an hour of tutoring in math so hopefully that will eventually help. I'm so tired of this issue. I don't know what the answer is. Does every parent take it personally when their kid isn't perfect? Feel guilty and subpar? :idunno :hit


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Henrietta23 said:
I started the day at the elementary school by sending one of my students from the hallway, where the students were waiting for the bell to ring, to the Social Worker for the second time this week. The first time was because he told me that his real name was Vectron and his face was just a mask and he was really pure evil so I better not mess with him. :/
Proper response to this statement ... My real name is _______ and I am salt. Salt perfectly conquers evil in all of it's forms. I have no need to mess with you or your masked face, but you have a desperate need for the power that I have. Perhaps I will consider allowing you to join me ... if you think you can handle it.

Ah ... the joys of public school.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Farmfresh said:
Henrietta23 said:
I started the day at the elementary school by sending one of my students from the hallway, where the students were waiting for the bell to ring, to the Social Worker for the second time this week. The first time was because he told me that his real name was Vectron and his face was just a mask and he was really pure evil so I better not mess with him. :/
Proper response to this statement ... My real name is _______ and I am salt. Salt perfectly conquers evil in all of it's forms. I have no need to mess with you or your masked face, but you have a desperate need for the power that I have. Perhaps I will consider allowing you to join me ... if you think you can handle it.

Ah ... the joys of public school.
:gig I would have liked to see his face if I'd said that!! And you may have actually hit the nail on the head with the need for power comment. I think he feels very powerless most of the time. Sooooo glad i'm not the social worker. too much pressure!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
C'mon folks, really need those vibes. DH removed the serpentine belt tensioner pulley and DROPPED it. It is somewhere IN THE ENGINE and they can't find it! They are having to remove extra parts to get it out. This stinks!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Finished the leg and may start heel flap tonight. Not much to take pictures of yet but I will try to remember! :D
Missing car part was located behind the friend's car. I told them it had to have fallen all the way through.... :rolleyes:
Bad news, that part was the cause of the problems and it wasn't included in the belt replacement kit. So repairs are halted for the moment until one can be located and purchased. Everything else that can be done without that part will be finished tomorrow. Good news is that it was time to replace all those belts and other parts like the water pump anyway so there's no money wasted or anything. I don't know what this would have cost at the dealer or a garage. This will end up costing less than $400 and a weekend's worth of time. DH is getting to hang out with a bunch of guys who thrive on doing this stuff. They're all having "fun" and it's not beastly hot so it could all be worse!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
A gazillion mistakes and it's not blocked of course but here it is:



I've got the heel flap done. Next I turn it. I never feel like I really know what I'm doing when I turn a heel so when it actually works it's like I've performed some kind of magic trick!
The yarn is wool, silk and bamboo! And yup, it's really that orange!


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
the socks have a very pretty pattern! I've never used a yarn with bamboo-- you think it will hold up to the wear and tear that socks get?
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