Yep -- the entire system is a disaster. BUT these chickens are hatched and most often there is no way to disperse the male chicks. That's what I'm saying -- to be fair to the chicks, cruel as it is or may sound, fast gassing is more humane than many other ways.
The care, feed, space needed to raise them is just not going to be given. It is also not feasible that they could even give them all away fast enough. Maybe ship thousands to TSC to give away!
The layers? Well, I would love to put the people who are designing and maintaining (??or not??) them and the system, to be put into the system themselves for a few weeks with comparable space, feed, water & care !!!!
More inspections & penalties for failures is needed.
We will not be able to train the numbers of the consumers in time to make a difference. BUT women did campaign to stop the conditions of the horse urine collections, for the most part. It took a long, long time. And synthetic hormone production.
In the meantime, I'd suggest do your little bit to help bring about change and encourage people to keep their own chickens and sell surplus eggs, where they can. I've talked a few people into starting their own little egg businesses. They have been successful![]()
="NH Homesteader, post: 406495, member: 7743"]That is possible. I don't know what they do with them after the fact.
="Mini Horses, post: 406512, member: 7462"]Commercially, if raised to butcher, feed costs outweigh sale income and that is a fact. I'm curious as to what would be options for these little male chicks.
We charged $2/dozen up until feed costs went up, then we charged $3. We could charge $4 but we don't. We try to offset the cost of feed as much as possible, because otherwise we simply would have fewer chickens and spend less on feed.
Part of the problem is that no one (well not many) would donate to raise chickens for slaughter.
The problem I see most with those who sell their eggs is that they want to gouge the customer, claiming it costs that much for them to raise them humanely and so the customer should pick up the costs.