Sustainability Master
People want to be fooled into thinking a bigger price means better eggs but it's not always the case and all the work done to produce one's own eggs is being done anyway, whether the excess eggs are sold to customers or not, so why are we~as backyard growers~feeling like the customer should absorb the costs? When I was selling for $2 a doz. I was more than clearing a profit on feed and the labor was going to happen anyway, so why charge other folks for it? Takes just as much time to feed 40 hens as it does 15.
No argument, but definitely a difference of opinions.
I don't make a profit on $3 eggs. And, it does take more time at my place to feed 40 chickens than 15 and more importantly it takes more feed. I spend more time to clean a lot more waterers. I spend more time cleaning a lot more feeders. I spend more time and more effort moving a lot more feed. I pick up my hens to check them for parasites. Takes much longer to catch more hens than fewer hens. I hatch more chicks that take more feed, time, electricity. MY time and effort has value.
First, I have no way of knowing what those people are feeding or how they care for their chickens~giving meds and wormers ? Might as well buy commercially grown. Chickens confined to the same small patch soil all the time? Might as well buy commercial. Feeding commercially prepared feeds? Might as well buy commercial.
My customers tell me that is EXACTLY why they will pay more for a quality product from someone they trust.