Almost Self-Reliant
I had a few different issues that converged and put me on this path. One was just a longing for what I grew up with in childhood -the woods, a pond, country life, solitude. Then I felt the strongest need to step out of cookie cutter suburb life and simplify. To stop accumulating, to declutter, and not even visit the "Joneses". Thirdly, I felt some health issues creeping up on me and I see my parents and grandparents having problems and the traditional medical system scares the heck out of me. I feel that doctors I had been to really did more harm than good, treating symptoms and not interested in finding the cause. No way will I be dependent on that! It was time to take charge of my and my family's health and I started learning about nutrition, getting artificial stuff and chemicals out of my household, and getting in touch with how real food is intended to be. And to find ways to treat our bodies with natural remedies - our pets too.
It's all coming together and it makes me feel at peace. And my kids know that eggs don't get made at the grocery store.
It's all coming together and it makes me feel at peace. And my kids know that eggs don't get made at the grocery store.