Speaking of "checklists"
Chocolate-DOUBLE check
Crown Royal - TRIPPLE check
Rum, Vodka,Tequilla, Burbon..-CHECK
Now I think I will go bake some cookies...Ohhh yeah...im ready!
The same thing I do for earthquakes, ice storms, and unemployment. Nothing, I like to think I stay prepared so I don't have to rush out and do anything.
If we don't have it on hand we will last a few days without it.
Heard something humerous a few weeks ago, probably when we were traveling out west. French toast disaster--people have to buy milk, eggs, and bread.
Well, we just make sure the snow shovel is available.
The general population thinks these kinds of occurances are emergencies, and require panic.
Good for the economy
I even used the signature red DQ spoon, I swear that makes it taste even better.....the DW felt sorry for me tonight and the kids helped her out big time today.
I need to buy propane and more fire wood. Otherwise, all set. And don't have any way to get those til the weekend (after our cold snap) but I'll be set before Colorado gets our blizzard.