Frugal Homesteader
I went into the barn this morning to do chores, and was pleasantly surprised that it stayed pretty snow-free. I hummed and hawed at closing the door but decided to leave it open due to the direction of the wind. All is well.
The kids are upset, (sorta) that today is a snow day, since they had the day off anyways, but they are, all four of them , outside snowboarding down the ditch across the road. Ds had to get out the skidsteer this morning do dig out the drifts, and still has more to do, but since his friends stayed overnight, he can finish up later on this afternoon after they go home. had pancakes, and eggs and bacon for breakfast, and they are having homemade pizza for lunch when they come in. Me, i'm having my roasted red pepper soup. Oh, and I think the roads are terrible, but I don't really care