How long would you make it??


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 23, 2008
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We have a generator, (which, for the record, I think is a complete waste) enough food to last well over a month, and a stream on our property. We probably have enough firewood to heat our house for a decade.

I think we would make it as long as we had to. I have taken back country trips that have lasted over two weeks so I'm guessing I could "camp" in my well provisioned house for a looooonnnng time. If we had to leave, I'd just pack like I was going hiking.

And NO I don't have a backpack pre-packed. Most of that equipment lasts longer if you store it differently than how you pack it. But it's all organized in a closet so I could put it together pretty quickly if need be.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
My emergency kit is going well. Almost all the basics and necessities. Need to fill my 55 gal drums with water. Need more meat in storage. Nothing to hunt around here. Fifth wheel has 60 gallons propane and 35 of gas. Generator on board as well as another in garage. I have been practicing with my dutch oven and we have a ginormous wood pile.

My main concern is theft. That is why a fence is still at the top of my list. And a big dog.

Inchy, I think you would be surprised at what you would eat if you had no other choice. They say whatever it is that your family will eat, buy and store.

"Store what YOU eat and eat what you store."

FC- I wish I had those water tanks.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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I think our main deciding factor in how long my family would make it would be how much gas we have. We would lose a lot of our food supply very quickly if we could not run our generator to keep the freezer going.
We have plenty of wood for winter and for a fire. We do not have a grill or anything that requires propane...therefore we do not have any propane tanks.
I have been trying to have at least a months supply of chicken feed on hand (since I came to this site.)
A couple of our neighbors have ponds so I would be able to get water at least for flushing toilets. We would need to run our generator for the well.
We do not have any pans for cooking over a fire very well....I need to put them on my list of things to get.
We ran out of matches the other day.
Over an extended period of longer than two weeks...we would run into a problem with running out of clean clothes....we would probably have to be washing clothes by hand. :rolleyes:
I need to stock up more on paper products...plates, plastic forks ect that can be thrown away instead of needing to be washed to help conserve water and running the well with the generator.
Then having a young baby in itself would present its own issues...diapers mostly.
My guess is we could easily make it one month....two or three months if we had access to gas.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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hey gina

yea those tanks are wonderful. We have them mounted on separate smaller hay wagons...that way if power goes at the barn and lose the well, we can travel anywhere to fill them to water livestock. Also I have filled them and taken water to my gardens that are not near the barns and such. Sometimes in the south I have to water...rare but occasionally I do to try to save my personal gardens and such....fields are on their own....with mother nature.

mounted on the hay wagon I just attach soak hoses and gravity feed. works well.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 12, 2008
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i dont know about us, we cant have an indoor wood burner if we would need heat but I imagine we could rig something up if we had to. No gas reserves but I think car pooling amoung a couple neighbors would be possible. I have food stored for maybe 2 weeks, can cook with wood as we do have a good stash of campfire wood out back. Ive been a camper since childhood so I could cook on our fire ring out back and dry some meat. Meds for my youngest will be a problem as they wont give a supply to stash for emergencies. We would eat chickens if we had to but eggs are a pretty good protein. There is a stream nearby but its an up hill trek on the way back and I dont know if I would trust it. I plan to make a couple rain barrels this spring out of garbage cans. I have plenty of corn, I could ration chicken feed but in those times I would keep them pretty close as not to have them stolen.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
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Springbrook, Ontario
Aww I think we'd just die LOL.

We'd lose much of our food, though if it was winter we could put the freezer on the porch and use it that way. That's how we did it when we had the house in Saskatchewan. In the winter you'd put your freezer on your front porch, it was cold enough to keep your things all nice and frozed.

We don't have a generator, but we usually stock pile about 70 litres of gas, and fill up our truck on the weekends.

We don't have a woodburner yet, but we have the propane fireplace and stove. I think a generator would be useful to run our well pumps (we have three, one for the main house, one for the extension, and one for the barn, 2 wells on 8 acres, woot!)

We have enough wood to last a decade from doing our cedar rail fencing (we have the whole log rails not the dimensional rails), but no burner! .... Could put up the fire pit if we needed to cook and ran out of propane I suppose.

Can't wait to get our woodburner though, ohh it'll be fantastic!


Jul 12, 2008
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Nebraska Sandhills
Heck i wouldn't last 2 hours :lol:

If our power goes out, we don't have water or heat. So we'd have to pack up and go somewhere else. (5 star hotel?)


Power Conserver
Oct 25, 2008
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Modesto, CA
Meat and other perishables can probably be smoked or dehydrated by the sun, or even canned on a open fire possibly until power comes back on.
Solar ovens would probably come in handy.
Right now, I'm not sure how long I would last personally. My MIL and FIL would probably know what to do better than I do at this point.. I should probably ask them... haha
My husband and I don't need medication, but my MIL and FIL do, I think.. I'm not sure if they can get emergency supplies for them though..
I do know that tornados come through here, but they aren't usually concerned and go to the local fire department in case of one.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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inchworm said:
We have little access to water. Our well is like an 8" pipe. Can't get a bucket down there. We don't have a generator. We have a small pond we can use to help flush toilets. I'm bugging hubby for a rain barrel.
They make long, narrow buckets with a flap on the bottom that you can drop down even a 6" well. I saw one at an old hardware store, but don't know if they still make them or how much they cost.


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
How long would we last? Been reading here and thinking. And I guess it all depends on the overall situation we are trying to survive. I figure with what I have on hand - 2 months easy without rationing. Water would be a slight problem but since we live less than a 1/4 mile from the reservoir the trek is possible. We could spend one whole day just hauling water in to last at least a week if we ration it. So, one day each week would be dedicated to hauling water. If we have gas for vehicles we can haul more water more easily. But I am going under the assumption we don't have fuel or access to it.
Lots of wildlife less than a 1/4 mile away also so hunting is definately possible plus with the rabbits and chickens that won't be a problem. With rationing - I can make my stores stretch to possibly 3 months. During that 2 to 3 month span I will have time to replenish and subsidize which will in turn stretch my stores.
After that it will depend on the season. If its growing season no problems. If its winter we are going to have some problems but will survive.
If I don't have shelter we can erect a tipi rather quickly. But....If I don't have shelter there go my stores and possibly my chickens and rabbits. I will be to busy hunting and gathering to worry about much else. LOL In that case I would probably just erect my tipi at the reservoir and be closer to everything to make my life easier. And yes - we would still survive indefinately. Or until the game warden showed up.

Edited to add - Once the game warden shows up and arrest us we will be fine. 3 hots and a cot with someone else doing all the work.